Hello friends this is really a matter to say that this hotel provides most spicy items which are really unhealthy for us .
The items are not at all tasty and delicious even the items are more costlier with high payment, The customers are not at all well treated with respect, even they treat us as common man, There service is worst and there is no respect given to them as a customer.
The food and the items are more and more spicy, as when I used to eat that food my mouth starts burning with hot.
The items are more costlier then any other hotel near by but even the special food of hyderabad is the worst presentation given by gazebo -banjara hill hotel.
Friends please try to find best hotel with wonderful service, as I had observed this hotel is providing the worse service which I had ever been experienced in my life.
Enjoy the best food with best price without spending more money in Gazebo hotel in hyderabad .