Quantitative Aptitude book is mainly useful for various competitive exams like Bank, LIC, SSC, RAIL, CBI, MBA, MAT, IGNOU, CAT, etc .
This book contains 2 section - 1) Arithmetic Problems, 2) Data Interpretation with total 726 pages .
All chapters are begins with formulas with solved examples& then there have some problems& then solutions of the problems . Quality of the maths are good . There have different types of math in each chapter .
To crack in recent competitive exam main factor is speed, i.e need to attempt maximum number of questions in short time . So, short tricks are important . The main problem of the book is this book provide short trick for very few chapters which are common like solve Mixture Problem with Alligation methods . So, Sir RS Agarwal should provide more short tricks in the book .
Page quality of the book is not good . First few page are good quality& colouring, but maximum pages are bad quality with Black& White .
Another main problem is this book is not updated with current exam pattern . Now a days, questions are changes something, book is not updated with these changes . Some chapters are missing in the book - 1) Inequality, Some new type of DI which are very important for all IBPS exams are not given in the book . 2) Trigonometry, Geometry& few Menstruation chapters which are very important for SSC CGLE, CHSL are totally missed from the book . If any student read the book, he/she should purchase another a book for these chapters .
So, above these experiences I say that book is good but it is something backdated . Quality of questions also good . Only need these missing chapters& short tricks . So, as it backdated I do not recommend it too much . Anyone can read the book as a second book .