Here are some simple steps that can be followed to achieve Complete Make up in just 15 mins !!!
A scrupulously clean face is the perfect start, ensure that your face is free from dirt.
MOISTURIZER IS A MUST - Dot moisturizer on the face. but sparingly at the T zone, even out with finger tips and blot off the excess with a clean tissue .
CONCEAL THOSE ODD SPOTS - Very few of us are blessed with an even skin tone. The Concealer always comes inhandy in covering up dark under eye rings or any odd spot, dont over blend it.
THE FOUNDATION TO GOOD LOOKS, Dot foundation on the face and even it carefully. remember to blend especially around the jaw line,
POWER - loose powder or Translucent powder are the perfect for miniminzing open pores.
EYE MAKE UP - Select the colour to match your clothes and occasion. Use a soft eye pencil - choose either brown blue black or grey to line the outer half of the eye. then blend it in with the powder shadow of the same colour tone, working from the outer to the inner corner of the eyelid then select a highlighter an fill in the centre of the eyelid blending it with the darker one.
EYEBROW - Dont forget to draw your brows. go for the brown eyebrow pencil
MASCARA - curl your lashes first , apply Mascara on the lower lashes then go to the upper, do not brush more than two coatings at the same time.
RUSH FOR THE BLUSH - Find your cheekbones by placing 2 fingers underneath the eye. then apply the blush along the cheekbone to produce a natural glow
THE FINALE - hot lips - outline your lips with the lip pencil then fill in the lips an guess what -
you are through!!