Talking about south indian channels, tamil holds more number of channels. Malayalam holds five channels to their credit (Surya, Asianet, Kairali, Asianet Global and DD4) and tamil have a long list of channels with Sun TV, Jaya TV, KTV, DD Tamil, Raj TV, Vijay TV, Teja etc etc... and in both the case the channels promoted by SUN leads the viewership, mainly due to the fact that they are transmitted as DIGITAL channels.
KTVs main idea is to promote the channel with film based programmes, while SUN have a lot of mixtures. About Malayalam channels, Asianet is just behind Surya, both the channels have very much appreciated serials like STHREE, MAKAL MARUMAKAL, Mayamma etc, and CPI promoted channel KAIRALI is picking up slowly. Hope the people will benefit more coz of this cable channel war. best of luck.