Dear friends, I am a new member of this site and am happy to say that I am enjoying every minute of my experience of this site. not only lets me view the opinions of people on various topics. It is a site that is not definitely promoting a particular product but let the visitors to the site read and know of a chosen topic. It is excellent because its topics range from products to services to politics and a lot more. A job very well done for it covers topics and issues like no other site.
The net I think was in much need of a site like this and fills in the void. It is a site for the educated and likeminded people and also provides them a platform to come together. The time spent at this site is truly qualitative unlike most others. I also think that is an absolute must for every company that engages itself in the manufacturing of a product or a company who is a service provider for it truly reflects the mind of not just an average customer but a thinking customer. And it is reviews like these that are vital in bettering the product.
Let me congratulate in providing individuals like me and millions others a site where they can freely air their opinion and let others react to it. I do sincerely hope that the site continues with the good work and intelligently choose their topics for which they seek opinions. Let me also hope that this site in the future would attract more and more people to it and revolutionise the way the net functions. Finally, I would like to thank everybody involved in this to make it a quality site that it really is.