We can be found at https://urbanohermits.blogspot.in/
You know I was generally browsing the mouthshut website. Did not really have any writings to submit immediately. Not to say that I didn’t have concepts for revus ready and raring to go! Itz just that
I had submitted them for creation of new categories thru’ the mouthpad, and was waiting for the go-ahead on those! It generally takes a minimum of 2 days for nobody’s like me(thatz an advantage very popular MSians got! Their submissions are given the go ahead much faster than ours:(
But we are drifting! Thatz not what I wanted to discuss about! Though itz very painful that newcomers are discriminated like this when we put so much more effort since we are new to the site! We are trying to build a reputation on the site! and itz a known fact, that newcomers, whose place is no way secure, and who are trying to enter the hall of fame, work harder, because they try harder, ’coz they don’t have a name, and thatz coz you have not yet condescended to enter them into the hall of fame!
But then we are drifting again! I don’t have any resentment at all about you people. Itz just that you people have so much of an unfair advantage against us poor guys who are always at the bottom:( Notice that I didn’t say ’’girls’’; they can always get away by just putting a foto on their profile:( Again, of course, no resentment! Just some bitter feelings, but you can’t really call them resentment, can you? Perhaps instead, you can call it indignation;-) No! Don’t go looking for the thesaurus. I will tell you what that it means(I have been looking for the right choice of words to describe my feelings, and thatz the word I settled on! No offense, meant to your intelligence; heh! You know exactly what I meant:)
Well coming back to the point. Huh! Where were we?
Aah! Got it! About the femme fatale! This species are deadly. And they have got so much of an unfair advantage. What kind you ask? Well, something similar to the kind that the established writers on MS have got, as I explained earlier. I have been telling you so many times! We newcomers are trying so hard, but no fame, no reco, no applause, and importantly, no visits to our revus, no readings, no ratings, and aaargh! No comments on them either! Thatz enough to turn a guy off! We have souls too and they hurt right from the bottom! The grim reaper would be a friend by description!
Well, as I was saying, established writers don’t try so hard or do they? In any case, they don’t try so hard as us! Thatz their basic psyche! I mean, as an example, just take our cricket team! See the guys in our team. Do the established guys in there perform? But take them off the side, and see what happens! Gosh! They hit a century, to come back into the side. Why they can’t do that when they were already in the team earlier? Basic psychology! It would help:) if the star writers are given a hall of fame chance only occasionally(helps us guys to get in there, by hook or crooks! Oops! I didn’t mean to write that! I was just thinking it in my mind! Well! Now you know it! Thatz my holy grail. To get in there by sheer hardwork(read pure laziness), intelligence(read deceit), persuasion(read abuse), and creative writing(read destructive writing)!
But you established writers are getting in our way(read, my way. I am not really bothered about others). You know that we try sooooo much harder! So, you should allow us to get in there? No?
But hey! We are digressing?
We were talking about the femmes fatale. What happened to that species? Okay! This time strictly to the point!
These femmes fatale are real deadly! They have a very unfair advantage! They draw a lot of traffic by just posting other women’s beautiful fotos. Notice that I said, other women. Ha! Ha! They are not really beautiful! You can’t really have beauty and intelligence as a combination in the fairer species! God didn’t make it that way! In any case, it is basic psychology! If these female MSians were really beautiful, they would be psyching and freaking out elsewhere in the world! This site doesn’t really work out for them! Being beautiful equates to being very busy! Ask Mr. Freud here! No one listens to me these days:(
I was flabbergasted when I saw the traffic statistics on some of the femme’s profiles! Itz so huge! I don’t get that kind of traffic, and I humbly submit that I am a very good writer too! If you think otherwise, do not, I repeat, do not tell me! It hurts my personality. But when I read their writings.does it justify it? You know the answer;-) Of course, occasionally, it so happens that they post their fotos and they really turn out to be beautiful! To understand my just just just indignation, just look at those soniya and amrita’s fotos. How can I compete with them! No wonder, folks want to go to their profiles, and not mine;(my foto, in comparison looks grubby and beggarly! Guess, God gave them beauty to compensate for their intellect:( I have just got to be thankful that he gave me everlasting intelligence:)
But that doesn’t address the situation. My foto doesn’t draw traffic and I tried to be very presentable in that foto that I put up there.
My recommendation! MS should take off the foto column at least to get fair statistics(there is no comedy here. I really do mean this!), and about the modifications to the hall of fame and new rules reg established writers.I will only be too happy to assist them in getting the ball rolling;-) And hey! It may not be too long before you see my pic in the hall of fame(huh! Well, may be, we won’t see my foto if MS listens to me:( But you will see my name perhaps! MSians, here I come!
PS: This is actually meant to be a humorous piece. I sincerely mean no offense to any one. My apologies, if anyone felt differently.
Just in case, you had doubts, no, I am not an MCP, but I am a sMCP! Wondering what it means? I will tell you what the 1st character in the abbrev., means - ’’Super’’. You make up the remaining part;-).
If you had ideas of a criminal/civil case against me, think again! I am far off in India, where you can’t get me. HA ha! And for those who live in India, Indian laws relating to defamation have no relevance here anyway! Most importantly, I can defend myself pretty well! I am a graduate in Law! I anticipated a situation where I would need to defend myself would arise, and I took precautions;)
The truth of the matter is, this was the only way I could draw traffic to my revus? And also get into the hall of fame? And also to get read by all the femmes and established writers in MS? And to get rated and commented upon, even though I am rather scared that those ratings and comments aren’t going to be very kind to me?*
I had a lot of fun writing this piece just like the grim reaper! Hey reaper! Sure wish, you will visit my revu, but not me:) And hey MS! I simply luv you!
You can check us out at https://urbanohermits.blogspot.in/