Catchy name and yet so apt. Think about it - you do keep your mouth shut when writing reviews na? I was introduced to this site when I first spotted it on the back of an auto(embarrassed grin). For non-mumbaities, an auto is a 3 wheeled device that is used to:
transport you from one destination to another, jangling bones and nerves alike
bash your car with innumerable dents. Now, I know when a car belongs to suburban or townie - by ticking off the small bumps and dents
When I first saw the name, about 2 years ago, I thought Id check out the site, being a Nettie(netizen who is addicted to the net). Frankly, I was not too impressed with the first avatar - look and feel - but thought the idea was a good one. If I am not mistaken, the idea too has undergone several metamorphosis over the years.
I flirted with the site for the past 2 years - scouring it for reviews primarily about restaurants, travel, and gadgets. Some times I cam across real eye-openers.and at times, I disagreed violently, but silently, with the views I read here.
Last night, I metamorphosed from a flirt to a serious lover. I was bored of playing games, chats, emails, and blogs. I want to upgrade my DVD player and logged on, thinking Ill check out some DVD reviews. Also, Ive just bought a Tata Indicom(TI) mobile - and wanted the very latest latest about that. When I read the suprisingly disparaging reviews about the TI, I was torn. Its not that bad, folks.
The writer in me shrugged off the lethargy and jotted off a smallish review. It was great voicing my opinion - without hearing objections, counterattacks and what-have-yous. Its like speaking to a captive audience, imagine the world is your stage, and the population of - well, MS - hanging on to your every word. As pearls of wisdom slipped past my fingers, I was hooked.
Sigh! What can I say .it was 2 more reviews and 2 AM before I closed my PC.
And today, at 11 AM - my work is piling up - and see what I am doing.writing another review! My hotmail is clogges with readers who my humble opionvery useful .who can resist fan mail ya?
Quickly, some negatives - slow site dudes, and too text heavy. But great content, superlative ideas, and easy interface easily surpasses all negatives. Keep it up - youll be seeing more of me