Who is a critic? I have written a definition of a critic myself in-order to justify my article below:)
A critic is a heartless person, who unmindful of all the labour and talent that has gone into a particular work, will gleefully point out various drawbacks and declare: Theres nothing great about it! Mediocre at its best He will also try to simplify a success story by pointing out at an imaginary or real source of its inspiration and try to reveal possible sources of ideas, design, creativity and concept. (Not to mention that no critic has at anytime DONE something)
Show him/her the rainbow and exclaim about its beauty, he will reply: Oh! That is just dispersion of sunlight! One sentence and all the charm is lost
I am trying to be one such person. After going through enough number of glorifying reviews on Mouthshut itself, I have become puffed up and my critic sense has surfaced to declare that this area of review has been started by editors of MS for no other reason then to trumpet their own greatness! A critic is always jealous of praise lavishly showered on somebody, so I am going to try prove that Mouthshut isnt THAT great...and that its just another site that serves a primary purpose: To generate revenue for its owners. I must admit, however that a singular worthwhile objective of MS is being solved If it can help a few to cry out their woes about some product, or others to read about how much somebody is impressed by something. The whole concept of MS is just a variation from the basic idea to provide an environment and tools for visitors and motivate them to generate content which in turn attracts more visitors Net result: Soaring page-hits and banner clicks. Askme have experts who advise on anything and everything. Slashdot users provide news and they discuss them. Kuro5hin also the same. So whats the big deal about MS anyway? Well, I just had a few mugs to help me reflect.
From time to time, we all need a shoulder to cry on or whine about something. If I had spent a months amount of pocket money to buy a DSL modem and cant get it to work, I will have to vent out my frustration. One way to do it is to call the companys support line and give the person on the lines end a piece of my violent mind. But if that person is apologetic, I will have to find somebody else more sympathetic to my grumbles. My little baby cousin doesnt understand things about modems. Nor does my mother. Friends dont care for my crap. What shall I do? Come to Mouthshut and write a review. Nothing can beat the satisfaction of revenge on the company by reaching your dissatisfaction to thousands of surfers, each a potential client for a DSL modem. My anger is appeased, Thank you MS for providing an outlet for expressing it! (Whether I have prewarned somebody is irrelevant since I am a critic)
On the other hand, after months of aspiration and deliberation over the cost, I have at last become a proud owner of a brand new digital camera. [Its like: If a man opens the car doors for his wife; he is either newly married or the car is new]
Although I have been clicking away photos @ speed of light, I have yet to come to terms with organizing my new found hobby with tons of JPG files filling up my 15 Gb hard-disk. Nevertheless, my satisfaction at being able to photograph my new rose buds and their daily progress at blooming without the hassle of developing and printing is unbeatable. So I copy a few sales lines from the digital camera promotionals and start on writing an enlightening review on how important and absolutely indispensable is a digital camera for you. If you will thank me for helping you find a new way to kill time, I am elated and jubilant at my success of converting someone to my brand. I will henceforth consider myself an expert on digital cameras.
All of us are born with an urge to proselytize. We are constantly and unconsciously trying to prove to others that ones own country, religion, children, city etc are somehow the best. All that is needed for better understanding of what really is good is to perceive things from our point of view. According to me, Pondicherry is the only city fit to live in, apart from Amsterdam in the whole wide world! If you dont agree with me, I am still unconvinced why not?! Thank you once again MS, for letting us feed our egoisms through our reviews.
When I come to MS, read somebodys hard work of a review and rate it as absolutely helpful for my shopping, and even leave a flattering comment, I just might have made his/her day. The reviewer will feel satisfied and contented. Encouraged by such responses, he/she might make it a point to sit everyday and devote a few hours to review what not? The Government, the next door neighbors new car and why not our nations obsession- Pakistan? If somebody enjoys something that I dont, I might very well conclude that that person has no taste, sense or opinion worth attention. I add him to my dislike list. But the point is that when we read reviews, comment on them, we are contributing to making that person feel special. We make him/her feel important, and that his opinion really matters... that we take into consideration his views, reflect upon them and make them deciding factors.
Anyway there are good reviews, bad reviews and really bad reviews. . I once heard: Opinions are like armpits (I have made it sound decent), every one has one and all others stink. But a good number of reviews on MS could really be relied on for unbiased and useful opinion.
At the end of the day, when my critic spirit has whimpered down to sobs, I love nonetheless to visit Mouthshut and enjoy reading a review or two. It helps me go without nuts for Beer anyway. Imagine life without Mouthshut. You wont know that a particular ISP in your town dishes out nothing but busy dial tones. You wont ever sleep in a cinema hall or do your next-day-morning waking exercise in its corridors while praying for the film to end. You will know where to take your first date for a romantic candle lit dinner that wont cost you your salary. Or impress your friends to a Mediterranean dinner at an obscure restaurant. Or even buy a ink jet printer for throw-away prices without knowing that you will have to make up for the payment by buying expensive ink.
Mouthshut can sometimes decide your personal (read: sex) life. My personal story can attest to this fact. Forgetting upcoming anniversary dates is one thing and being reminded about it is embarrassing enough, but the real test is to try finding an impressive gift that wont lift your girlfriend/wifes eyebrows, but let her allow you, for a single time, jump to bed before a shower. Trust reviews on Mouthshut on this. They might be better than your close friends advice which might be tainted with jealousness proportionate to your girlfriends beauty.
Last, but not the least (This expression is purely and typically Indian ending of any meeting or essay) MS is a community, where one feels belonged. It generates a sense of loyalty, recognition and identity. I am glad that you are here. If you werent here reading this, my effort (what ever you prefer to call it) will go the way of my beers. Thank you.
[I grudgingly admit that MS is one great site and some of the writers really have a good sense of authorship]