I forewarn you that this review is in no-way a retrospection of the site and neither does it contain suggestions to improve it. The sole reason behind this decision was that all the other reviews under this category have conveyed, suggested and brick batted enough and frankly I don’t have any different thoughts to pen(whatever little I had to bark has been done so in my review on Mouthshut.com)
This review is just some general ramblings by a member who just turned 75 at Mouthshut. Though at the very outset I must declare that I wouldn’t have elected and consequently destroyed this topic as a tank for my thoughts, still I feel having written some 74, 000 words here has given me enough authority(?) to be a bit narcissist and trample some sanities and sensibilities. So below are some ruminations of a kiddo who has lived, breathed and dreamt of Mouthshut for a full 6 months. You might accuse me of being overtly self-indulgent, but somehow I felt these words had to be written at some point, and so here they are.
.:The beginners phase:.
That one infuriated email changed everything. “Karan, please don’t eat away my mailbox and brain-space by torturing me with those movie-reviews of yours. If you think you are good at it, try your hand at Mouthshut, but please leave me alone.” Were the words of a dear friend of mine to whom I used to write practically anything I saw or read. And thus came Mouthshut in my life. At first, the downright kiddish presentation(I still feel that logo outrageously funny!) had put me off. Still, I signed up and made my profile replete with a photograph.
Then I started browsing my way, and God save me.the reviews I read were such crappy nonsense that I thought Mouthshut was just another hoax. But thankfully, a last browse through the “Hall of fame” changed everything.
It was after reading the reviews there that I couldn’t just control my fingers. Of course, the topic to write on became the next stone on my way. It took me nearly 2 hours before I wrote my first review on my first scooterette—The Hero Winner. Quite expectedly, I finished before I had even started. Equally short were my other reviews on PlanetBollywood, BSMotoring, and Saathiya. Professional attempts at reviews actually commenced with movie reviews of Shakti, Pukar, K3G, Deewangee and Devdas. But I still remained a face in the background.
.:The excited and active phase:.
Writing reviews was alright, but a look at the neighbouring reviews by veterans had me boiling in the oil of jealousy. Thoughts like “His review is read x no. of times, she got y no. of comments—why not me?” In that state of immaturity and brashness, I decided to make my presence felt. With a keyboard as my weapon, I attacked Mouthshut with all my force. Like an owl I sat through the dark nights, and like an addict, checked my account every 15 minutes in between college classes.Mouthshut had indeed become an indispensable part of life.
In between lectures, practicals.I was forever logged in to read, rate and comment. And it helped. Necks turned around, ratings increased and so did the comments. And finally, as anticipated, I was right in the middle of the mainstream authors .I am still amused at the way I had clapped my hands when for the first time, I got 10 comments.(Kids will always be kids!) Comments that had requests, suggestions, appreciation.and I succumbed to all of them by taxing myself to write.and write.Three months down the line I was not just another face in the background.
.:The pricking phase:.
March 20th was the d-day for me. After all the nauseatingly rosy comments, I attempted the dreadful by rote-copying in my Iraq review. It might be for a few paragraphs and it was done in an over-whelming moment where I hadnt realised the magnitude of my mistake, but it was a big mistake nonetheless. In fact I still shudder at the very thought of it, and I didn’t come out scot-free either. I got caught, I got the brickbats and I apologised in public.
Co-incidentally, I had a fracture right on the next day, and the physical plus the mental pain I suffered for the consequent ten days can’t be expressed in words. With this incident came the realisation for the community of Mouthshut which actually became instrumental in making my second phase here the most fruitful one.
.:The best-est phase:.
Shedding the past like a snake-skin, I started afresh. But in a self-less incarnate, who wrote reviews and comments with one hand for the next one month. Probably that was the way of my saying sorry to everybody whom I had disappointed. Fast-forward to April 12 2003 and whatever I have put in from then till now is in my thinking my best foot forward. Though living with every word being typed, it becomes almost impossible in being objective about my own work, but I think I have done a decent job. Number of ratings and comments have evidently taken a back-seat as I have written whatever my heart has commanded-on Books, Cars, mantras, albums, magazines—and have written them in the most unworldly circumstances—all through my best friend’s demise, my granny’s death—Mouthshut has done the impossible by steering me clear of unending grievances, and is one of the reasons it’ll always remain special to me.
.:My inspirations:.
Probably all the words penned above wouldn’t have been possible had it not been for the wonderful people that I interacted with on Mouthshut. Warm and friendly, they have given me bucket-fulls of love and appreciation, and have withstood by me even in the most barren phases.
Of special mention are Vivek, Sumit and Reeper(without whom I wouldn’t have dared to attempt my second innings), Nandita(for being my first offline buddy), Sujay and Suyog(who have influenced my writing style like no-one else), Prem(who has never argued with my opinions however much he must have hated reading them), Rekh and Santosh(for giving me the title of Kiddo), Sameer, Anirban, Dorota, Asha, RJ, Maddy, Moid, Rajaji, Spikes, Srikantan, Tina, Selina, Harini, Kalyani, Ravi, Shalini, Manojji, Fayaz, Bonjour, Ganesh, Rhea, Bhumi, Prasadji, Raghav, Cpearl, Bonjour, Kalil, Aarti, Leah for making me feel special about whatever I wrote! and countless others who have made my reside here a rewarding one.
.:Why did I write this review?:.
Call it being confessional, being indulgent, or being dramatic, I don’t think there are many other active members who can boast of a more controversial career at Mouthshut as mine. The sole reason behind writing this review was to break-even with my fellow companions here—to let those know the truth who still are unaware of it. I dont know how much respect I would have lost or gained by the end of this review, but since this review marked a milestone.a confession was necessary to free my soul of whatever little burden of guilt I have carried till now.
Probably, this review was to let you all know about how a miniscule website could actually become the biggest influences of one’s life.Mouthshut has been one of the most positive and creative phases of my life, and I hope to continue pouring my thoughts here in the same style and rawness with which I had started.till.”time and life permits.”
.Hope you liked my review.do comment if time permits.
With lots of hugs and smiles from a Kiddo who just turned 75!