Hey friends,
I joined this site just yesterday after my dad told me bout the site. He is a regualr memeber at the site. At first I was like why mouthshut. But after joining yesterday and just after barely 48 hours I feel like home at mouthshut. 15 hours from the last 48 hours maybe I have spent on mouthshut checkin reviews and writing my own reviews.
I think the site really rocks and its highly addictive. Its like I cant leave this site to go somewhere else or do somethin else. There is so so much of information available in the site that theres no way u gonna get bored.
I love writing and this site gave me and many people like to write this is the best part of it. Then u can see what other people think about your reviwes and they rate it in the way u improve with each and every review.
The best thing about the the site is its members. The members are really encouraging though let me admit I wrote my reviews without proper grammer and make lots of spellin mistakes then too the people out here read my reviews rated them. In some other site maybe I would have been insulted for that. The members here are really very friendly and supportive.
The profile page is another great thing that mouthshut provides to its members its a great way to tell the people about urself ur likes ur deslikes and the profile page here is very innovative too. The security measures taken by MS is just great for example the email system its keeps its members email private.
The site is really fast with a great server its really easy to get into mouthshutdotcom even with a 33.6kb modem it loads very quickly. in mouth shut dot com I dont see much of ads which makes it much beter then the other sites. it is user freidnly with no pop ups and stuff.
Though I dont know whats wrong with the alert system as its not workin for me but if it works then it will make the site much better.
I would love it if someone explains me about the MS points thing too cuz I tried to find but dont know if theres any information about the MS points.
But all together its the best site on net at the moment of its kind. And it really rocks.
I wish me and mouthshut.com best of luck, and keep up the good work.