Hello friends:
I am relatively new to mouthshut. briefly, I am a salaried professional based in bangalore, and I have lived and worked in several cities in india and overseas. I am a strong believer in the proverbtravel helps you discover the biggest treasure - your true self. I travel both for business(my work demands it) and pleasure. my other passion is motor vehicles - bikes and cars.
I write this to compliment the mouthshut community and its promoters for coming out with what I think is indias first online consumer community. I have seen and used online consumer activity forums frequently when I worked overseas, and I can honestly say that mouthshut is one of the finest I have seen!
is there some way common consumer opinions/issues can be taken up in a concerted way, on mouthshut.com? just to clarify what I am asking: for example there is an online petition website that allows consumers to sign petitions/letters/ requests to people in public office. can we have a similar one on mouthshut for consumer opinions/polls/issues? I guess mouthshut.com will not be a party to such collective consumer opinion, and that mouthshut is self-regulated, but it will help by consolidating opinion in india and approaching marketers/vendors with good ideas, suggestions or even requests for resolution of some large common problems.
friends, keep up the good work! and, happy new year!