My General thoughts on Mouth Shut are quite simple.
Ive been to other writing sites and have never felt as welcomed as I do here.
Not only by the writers on the site, but by the staff as well. There is no other site where the owner/ceo( or whatever you care to call them) take such a direct and honest interest in everything that goes on.
I have had response from Faisal, Aarti and Jasmine on my reviews, which goes to show that they truly take an interest in whats going on.
People on Mouth Shut have a tendency to be open and honest with each other. Comments are left with true concern. Suggestions are made by people truly trying to help. And member to member e-mail is a wonderful addition to keep us together as a thriving community.
Hats off to everyone!
Thank you all for making this a wonderful and helpful community site.
.....and as I always say, Keep on writing ! =)