Here r my keen observations of this wonderful site.I was actually referred to this site by someone, and indeed am thankfull to him.(Unfortunately I forgot who was it, pls send me a mail if u r reading this).Eventho I had come across most of the members in other revu site , it was here I saw em at their interactive best, which is a thing that keeps the interest alive and kicking.
This site indeed has evoloved a lot in a very short span, in all aspects right from maintaining a fine balance between being liberal(esp in the begining) and strict discipline, which is very important in smooth functioning like checking on multilple accounts, proxy votings, chucking out bad tempered comments, third party violations and such related violations.
The most distinguishing factor that sets this site apart from the other site is that xtra personal touch from none other than CEO of the site who comments on the revus and promptly replies to each of ur queries, which is so relieving than recieving some dumb automated reply.Also r the comments received from other PRs like aarti, which adds to that personal warmth.
The number of topics covered here is mindboggling, and at the same time has been at its innovative best in adding some interesting general topics time to time which gets to know the other members more better, and at the same time refraining from controverisal political topics which I feel be better avioded as its not going to resolve nothing.I ve seen some controversial revus with warring comments back-to-back, clarifications galore, which can be best resolved , if something innovative like adding a chat room, how abt it, faisal/aarti? Some topics like under these sections has recived revu from almost every member in MS who r invovled for quite sometime now.Hope this innovation evolves as the time progresses.
The profile page of an individual is well designed, with likes/dislikes, about me n stuff, and some profile pages makes an interesting reading.But the dislike list is often misused with some fake ids hanging around, which MS can take a second look.
But one suggestion which I feel needs to be implemented is , no doubt once a revu is written it recives enormous ratings for few hours it remains in the recent 30 list , after which its simply lost in a maze.There r some gem of a revus out in the heap down there which needs to be recycled , bcoz even tho I m a regular of this site I accidentally come across some fabulous hidden revus time to time.This can be implemented , as I see some junk revus highighted once one travels deep into those categories , and sometimes may find difficult to trace the one u actually need.This needs a way to filter out quality revus , which may not necessarily be the controversial one with lots of comments or HR ratings.This in turn also promotes a sense to write some quality revu .The star review section doesnt necessarily highlight the revu pertaining to the section under which one is presently in.For eg if one is looking for some travel revu in India , the star revu highlighted will be say on Jet airways, which may not be of any interst to the one who has browsed in there to find something.But anyway these r minor flaws which I suppose MS will take care in near future.
Overall a site which has evolved fantastically over time , and guilty of making many addicted to MS.Also I have come across some gr8 revu friends(??) n some of prolific writers named in alphabetical order:
Abbababbey: A writer who can write on any topic , and always
comments on other revus and most importantly
responds to those who leaves comments on her
revus.Hope I can emulate a bit of that
Achougoo : For his down-to earth realistic electic
approach in his revus
Ashford : for his wonderful writings on travel n
sport personalites
Dharma/Venchassa: A delight to read those crisply worded
revus on music, pubs, on his widely
travelled experiences on indian
cities n lastly those brittle comments.
Faisal : Hats off for creating this wonderful site
Jasbirdyn : For his naughty, humourous revus..where r u
Jilmil : For revus on most of the famous eatout
places in blore , and simplistic revus on
almost all diverse subjects under this sun.
Kosish : Surely amazes me, for the fact that
there is no hindi movie /album that isnt
revued by her
spacejunkie/mainak: Surely goin’ to give Khalid Md a run
for his money in near future!!!Not many on this website know of his movie
revus, but one shd never miss out his
powerful ’’go-to-hell’’ justification
as to why he spikes it or
loves ’em, which makes an
interesting reading
Loverboy4u: Mostly the youngest out here, but has written on
a wide range of topics n has helped a bit of
my gk on computer games.
Lora : For some interesting revus on diverse topics
Pete :A prolific writer , with interesting revus on
cross-culture, on...
Raghav2k : On his wisely book/novel revus
Rosie : Most probably with the record of most number
of revus , hats off to her writing
abilites, n for rating the revus
Skmm :For his silky smooth revus, r u reading???
Surinder : For his mature wisely thoughts, n his travel
Suyog : The most active member out here with revus
that dissect every aspects of the subject and
who never forgets to leave comments on any
revu he rates
Also one shouldnt forget the contribution of those who take keen interst in reading n rating the reviews which is equally more important than just writing revus and never rating revus of others.Some of whom who has always read n rated my revus n thankful to them are emil, Mavis, Calvin, 2birthatusa, grandmacmj .(Hope I havent missed out anybody).Oflate there r flood of promising newcomers , hope to add them here.
AS for rating, dont complicate ur life by revenge/proxy ratings. Cmon have fun , dont be cynical by having an eye only for mistakes n rate as tho ur life depended on it.....!!!Be kind to newcomers until they settle down n get a hang of this concept of writing, rating, and dont bombard with nasty ratings, initially!! But never be kind to those, whose attitude sucks n write revus just to create controversies .But one imp thing, do justify when u give NR or SR.
Finally what have I gained from MS? Indeed this has given me an oppurtunity to indulge in something constructive in my spare time apart from the usual software job and in turn I have gained a lot of wordly knowledge n many online friends.For eg, once I made it a point to watch an episode of Kyunki saans bhi..... after I read so many screaming revus of it (not here but in ag) .It is always a pleasure to read something well written, doesnt really matter on which topic it is, and I for one has sometimes even rehearsed some of those lovely phrases!!!!
Basta!!Hope to add as more thoughts pour in ...till then, PEACE n RESPECT ....!!!