The enviormental pollution is a very adverse effect of over exploitation of environmental resources by the human race. It all started back in 19 th century with the era of industrial revolution.
The pollution not just affects the human but also all other life forms on our planet. The carbon emissions are vigorously increasing and the super power countries are hardly doing anything to put an end to it. Recently USA has withdrawn from paris agreement in order to make country more profitable.
The erstwhile year marked with the rise of new generation climate activists. One of theme was the 16 year old girl from Sweden who came up with the idea of 'fridays for future'. She began spenting Friday's outside the Swedish parliament and got recognition from all around the world.
Recently the wild fire in Amazon forests made a serious concern over the national leader around the globe and UN climate action summit in Newyork put forward significant resolutions in which one is the world need to work towards net zero emissions by 2050 in order to limit global warming by 1.5° C by end of the century.