Note:- THE REVIEW IS WRITTEN FOR AWARENESS PURPOSES AND IS BASED ON PERSONAL THOUGHTS/THINKING. No offense please and remember that opinions differ from P2P..
Geek Airlines: Cough, To much pollution in the air!!What to do??*
Hey friends if you have noticed for the past few years the pollution parameter is increasing day by day and not taking the name of decreasing at all. . It is becoming more and more disastrous because of uncontrolled human activities. Pollution is the release of harmful environmental contaminants. Due to this our Mother Earth on which the whole population is residing on, is getting destroyed by none other than its own babies. So now we need to unite together and do something about it otherwise Ram Nam Satya
•Over Exploitation of resources : This one part needs to be given the utmost importance. In our daily life mostly we tend to travel not by foot but by using some or the other transport like- Bus, Car, Metro( In Delhi & Calcutta), Autos expect the Rickshaw’s. So now lets take the example of car-: It uses petroleum to run, but have you ever though that the burning of this fossil fuel and its co- products causes air pollution by increasing the level of Carbon Dioxide, Mono-oxide in the atmosphere......How dangerous it is..): How to overcome??? Ans- The government has introduced the use of CNG in the market but it;s being only used by a fraction of people like in buses or taxis and some private cars or so...because the whole kit is costly..It should be made economical !!!!!
•Population Growth : As the human beings on the earth are multiplying so rapidly or you can fast and the no. is increasing, we need more and more supply of water, food, other Necessities and the most important thing: SPACE TO LIVE.. So to obtain the place to live comfortably, we are readily cutting out those poor tress and sometimes the whole forest only is chopped off. In turn, the trees left in the world are not able to purify the air as they normally do and side by side we are also invading the plant kingdom on which we all are dependant for food and O2(Oxygen).. Also the animal kingdom get’s affected and those small pets often get killed etc.... *How to overcome??? Ans-: The job is very simple. From now on, make a little effort and at least plant one tree in a garden nearby or even in the small area where you grows mall plants-grass in your house once in a year. Also plan your family accordingly..:)
•Industrialization Another factor destroying our environment IS the secretion of waste, Poisonous products into the rivers and oceans from the factories across the globe due to which people that are un-aware and drink the water, get ill. Sorry to say but mostly these people are from ill-literate areas. One more annoying thing is the Smoke which is openly let out in the atmosphere with contains harmful and disease-causing gases. How to overcome??? Ans-: The waste can be decomposed to some extent and buried under the ground. Every people should be given education and various jobs so that it can afford any kind of media of these kinda information. For eg- Newspaper, Television, Radio etc.Coming to the smoke factor, before letting out, a filter can be used to purify it. The filter can be developed if the ministers stop taking the bribe and instead spending that money for the development of our country....(I know that all the ministers dont take bribe, so chill ouuuuuttttt:)) Others include the excessive use of air conditioners, synthetic materials, automobiles, Burning of crackers, wastage of energy in the form of electricity also and MANY MORE !!!!! BELIEVE ME THE LIST IS ENDLESS !!!
- Nowdays we see that the winters have become even shorter and the summer days have become longer and even more hotter than before. The newspapers tell us the whole figures once in the month. Also earthquakes, volcanic eruptions (Basically in Japan) have started occurring frequently. In india, major part of the NortherFertile Plain is getting affected.
Cause :* This all is due to GLOBAL WARMING. Many holes have occurred in the ozone layer due to many reasons like use of many crackers which throw out many harmful particles which damages the layer even further...The use of air conditioners i.e they throw hot air which intern causes the surrounding areas to get heated etc..
Soil Pollution
Water Pollution
Air Pollution
Noise Pollution
~Will not explain above in detail as it will long & the reader can loose interest
Thanks for reading my review.So now I hope I have been able to put my point forward clearly and have made you aware of the current status of the whole thing.
If Yes them Do Rate & Comment on the review..
Till My Next Review,
Bye for now,