Do you guys really know what is the actual condition of our EARTH and its ENVIRONMENT in today.It all cames to ruined yeah I am pretty sure that a time will come when we realise about the mistake which one we have done already.Nature and its environment can gave us everything and also it have the power to deprive everything from us.In one word everyone should think that THE GIVE and TAKE POLICE.There are many cures to potect our precious ENVIRONMENT but the most effective one I thought 'Trying to Adjust The Environment Around Yourself'we should also try to do some like reduce our daily wastage and try to recycle it, save the green, reduce the level of pollution of our daily activities, also reduce the wastage of water power energy etc.The cause of the most disease, flood, drought, extinct or nearly extinct creatures was the pollution.So we have to remind it that if we have to stay fit and healthy then we have to keep The NATURE and its ENVIRONMENT fit and healthy.