Dear Msians,
Here is a tragic story that teaches a thing or two to us on Mouth shut as a community.
STORY (true)
A girl from a remote Village in Tamil Nadu and daughter of a Farmer studies hard and
Does exceedingly well in school.
Throughout her schooling, she tops in all subjects and with the support of her hard working parents finally makes it to the top engineering Institute “ANNA UNIVERSITY”
In Chennai.
After her graduation, she lands a plum job (salary beyond the wildest dreams of her poor parents) in a B.P.O.
Every thing is a dream come true, however within a year of getting the job she tries to commit suicide.
It turns out that at work she was being ridiculed by her colleagues on her simplistic style (clothing, language, etiquette)
To counter that she tries to change herself by wearing designer clothes, takes up smoking and avoids meeting her parents and thus starts living a DOUBLE life.
Unable to gulp down the guilt of living a double life (avoiding- parents) she commits suicide.
What they failed to teach her
The above is a perfect example of a person with high I.Q (she gets the best student award in her University) but low on Emotional quotient.
Her colleagues at work too were of high were of high I.Q but very low in E.Q for they saw and gauged a person on a superficial platform.
The firm, which employed her, spent many Man-Hours and money on training her for the job but failed to imbibe a culture of community in the firm.
Today we find in school and colleges a lot of stress being given on Analytical skills where students do excel in the NUMBERS game but end up living a highly stressful life at work and home due to an almost dead Emotional Intelligence.
“The Ability to understand and apply the power of emotions as a source of energy”
(Courtesy- Daniel Golem an).
Emotional Intelligence on Mouth Shut
1) Many times, we see debuts on Mouth shut start with a bang and writing reviews with a passion and flair and then die a slow death.
Reason- they get disappointed with the number of hits they get for their work or sometimes the odd adverse comment.
Instead of being emotionally strong, enough to understand that number of people reading their reviews is directly proportional to the number of reviews they themselves read.
Thus, they direct a lot of energy and enthusiasm in writing more than reading.
2) Many times we find regulars on Ms ridiculing fellow members on the language part rather than appreciating the thought behind the review and the effort gone in writing ( by someone who is not inclined to writing)
3) Many time we see members reading a review (above par one) and either then fail to rate or leave an encouraging comment.
Reason- It draws on them the member who has written the review is not a regular reader of their own reviews.
“An Emotionally Intelligent reviewer will rate and comment on an appealing review even if it is written by his worst enemy”
Emotional Intelligence in Indians (an example)
We Indians are very emotional and sentimental on Jammu & Kashmir being an integral part of our country and we bear a grudge that the entire menace of terrorism in our country originates from that state with the obvious hand of Pakistan.
However when a natural disaster of tragic proportions strikes a part of the nation and the people and land that we claim belongs to us, what do we see in response?
An apathy so dead “ EMOTIONALLY” that it takes the prime minister of the country to make an appeal to the nation to come forward and donate or help in whatever way possible.
The same nation stood as one when disasters truck South India (Tsunami) and Western Part (Earthquakes). Why is it missing now?
The answer is that if we were emotionally intelligent enough we can realize that by winning over hearts of local people in J&K, the problem of separation and terror fighting can easily be solved compared to many years of brick bats with PAKISTAN.
The Same Emotional Intelligence is lacking when Natural disasters strike poor states like Orissa (floods) and East India.
I lay my case here and hope to read yr thoughts in comments