Management in its simplest form refers to the activity of “getting things done by others". But with the passage of time the simplicity of the definition has undergone a sea change. Moreover, exuberant complications in the business arena have made it complex and multidimensional. Now, management is the applied science of planning, directing, leading and controlling of the business processes to help it achieving its ultimate objective of making profit and customer satisfaction through better service.
Can management be automatized? The answer is simply a loud NO. But why? Every action, today are being mechanized ranging from washing to war. Then why not management! This is because management requires "decision making" and "accountability". For example, a person uses washing machine to clean up dirty clothes but then he has to operate the machine. Apart from this, if anything wrong transpires that person will be accused. In other words, he will be accountable for that- not the machine. Again, take a case where the electricity charge is exorbitant. Now depending upon the demand of the time and nature of washing you have to make the decision whether to wash a handkerchief using a washing machine or by putting minimal elbow effort. So, you can see how your intuitive capacity and intellectual intelligence is important as far as managerial operations are concerned.
So, it is conspicuous that the psychological processes like decision making or accountability cannot be mechanized straight away. That management takes help of mechanized systems to operate immaculately but mainly depends upon the non- mechanical processes is the reason why it cannot be automated. Automation helps you to do things fast and effectively but before that as a manager you have to make the decision whether at all you need that robotic system for serving your purpose!