Though I have never been to NYC, as everyone - to me, the Twin Towers were truly a symbol of America. Last Tuesday morning I woke up to the ringing of the telephone and on the other end was my hysterical daughter. She quickly informed me that the World Trade Center, both towers and the Pentagon had been attacked by terrorists and to turn on the TV immediately.
The first images that were shown were that of a plane flying into the one tower and to say it was horrifying, well - was a total understatement. Such destruction and horror and for what reason? It is all so senseless!
My husband and I have watched CNN or other news channels every waking hour that we are home (which is nearly all of the time) and I have become heartbroken over and over again as I see so many families that are suffering, who are missing loved ones and are still frantically looking for them. My heart is also broken for all of those children who no must live without mothers or fathers, or in some cases; both. And, my heart also breaks for the children whos lives were taken at such a young age.
My heart also breaks for the backlash of hate crimes that are occurring here in the US, against people who are or even look like they are of Middle Eastern descent. What nonsense this is! These people are innocent victims as well and had nothing to do with the terrorists and yet they are being punished, just because they look different. The law-makers are starting to crack down and make these crimes as ones which they have a zero tolerance for and this is the way that it should be. I am furious that these poor people are targeted just because of their looks - I thought that America had gotten past this mentality or way of thinking. Thankfully though, even though these crimes have been occurring - I honestly DO believe that these crimes are being committed by a very few people and that most Americans are as outraged as I am with their actions.
I think that I can speak for all Americans when I say, UNBREAK MY HEART. It will take much time for the wounds to heal and for hearts to mend but for now, our hearts ARE breaking.