New York- a city known to many, needs no introduction. It is the financial capital of the world, it is a mirror of USA etc.. etc..
I had been to New York a couple of years ago. This was my first overseas trip so naturally I was very much excited. I had been to other parts of the country and New York was the last city before I left USA.
I had a very unusual stay and I am inclined to share my this unusual experience with you all.
First unusual aspect is –my travel expense was a mere $1.25. Yes, I traveled almost on foot. A very informative map was with me and I analyzed it and found that Avenue no. 5 has everything I am looking out for. Central Park, Empire State Building, a museum, Tramp Departmental Store etc. Street nos. are so nicely displayed, you don’t need to ask anybody.
I had a nice time out in Empire state Building. I had a thrill of talking from world’s highest telephone booth. I had a priviledged photograph showing me jumping out from the building and another one showing me fighting with King-kong( a gorrila monkey) on the ESB (honestly very costly).
I was informed a lot about the Tramp Store, but it needs to be seen to believe. A store having more space and corridor for visitors than for the buyers. A store where the simplest tie costs as high as $180.
I had a visit to the Rockfellor center but frankly I was not impressed.
Next day I took a bus (which costs $1.250) to the point from where you take a boat to Statue of Liberty. The boat drive is in itself an experience . Seeing New York fading out and dis-appearing and then seeing the Liberty Island slowly appearing. The statue is a pure marvel. I had stood in a queue and my number may be 500. The statistics is to be wondered and forgotten soon. You walk up-stairs via a non-returnable stairs and can go up to the torch only to wonder!
New york was the only city where you see a crowd. No where else in USA you see so many people. I felt like beeing in Bombay. It is the only city where you see shops on the roads in USA. It is the only place you name a thing and it is available. The taxi drivers can get live information about the traffic and plan route accordingly.
Yes, I enjoyed my stay there. But more so because as I had written in the beginning that I had traveled mostly on foot and I need nothing except a map to travel within the city.