I would like to send out my sympathies to all the families who lost their loved ones today. I got rude awakening this morning when we got the phone call from my sister in law stating that her husband (my hubbys little brother) has been called to defense with his navy ship out to sea. At this point and time we are devested and worried for his safety but proud of him for standing for this country. We would like to ask for everyones prayers that all military men who are serving time this disaster. Right now, we should all stick together as one big family and help each other by showing the support for one another. I have to say one good thing my hubby did today was donated blood. Unfortunately, I cannot due to medical reasons. But any of you out there who decides to donate blood you will be saving a life. If salvation army announces they want donations, you can bet I will be the first to donate to them. I would like to say keep praying and be safe everyone. GOD bless everyone and keep your chin up! Thanks for reading. :-)