Which AC to Buy?
Budget< 18k
In this budget you don’t have much of a choice . Go for either LG orSamsung or Whirlpool. I advice staying away from Voltas because they don’t haveproper service centers of their own. They have outsourced it to some agencieswho are inept in doing the task properly. Stay away from Videocon &Electrolux because they have poor after-sales service. If you are living insmall town then definitely go for either Samsung or LG.
18 k < Budget < 21 k
Close your eyes & go for carrier or bluestar. If you are living insmall town then go for carrier because they have more service centres in India. Bluestar has very limited presence, but its performance is at par withcarrier. After all both are into cooling business.
21k < Budget 26 k
Sky is the limit. In this budget you can afford the best AC in the world.Go for Toshiba or Daikin or Mitsubishi. They all are imported to India asfully-built units. Check out the EER and the specifications and then go forwhich ever you feel like. All of them are equally good.
- Budget cater to 1.5 T AC.
Budget< 20k
Go for any brand you can lay your hand upon. In this range you won’t havemuch of an option. Before buying just check the state of after- sales serviceof the brand in your region.
20k < Budget < 26k
Close your eyes and go for LG or Samsung.
26k < Budget < 32k
Go for Carrier. Its clearly the best AC in this segment.
32k < Budget 40k
Sky is the limit. Explore the wide range of imported ACs availbale in India.Choose the one you feel like. All are mastrepiece.
- Budget according to 1.5 T AC.
Where to Buy From?
Check the company’s website to locate thedealers/retailers in your area. Even better if you drop a mail to the companymentioning your interest in purchasing an AC. Their promptness in contactingyou back would reflect their attitude towards customers. Never buy from smallshops, because they don’t help incase any problem comes up in the AC. Usuallythe attitude of small shop owners is that of neglect once they get the payment.So don’t make the whole payment at one go. Pay 60-70 percent of the amountup-front and then give a post dated cheque( dated twenty to thirt days afterthe date of purchase). Atleast you will be having the option of blocking thecheque incase the shopkeeper doesn’t pay heed to your requests. Believe me, itcertainly works in India. While buying always insist that you get the latestpiece and check the date of packing on the cartoon.
Which Stabilizer to choose?
Manyshops offer free stabilizers along with AC. Verify the make of the stabilizer.For 1.5 T window AC, I would suggest a 4 KVA stabilizer. Also check whether thestabilizer has manufacturer’s address and a serial number or not. Itspreferable to have a time Delay Option in the stabilizer along with theauto-cut option. Some good brands are: V-Guard, Bluebird, Logicstat & Sparkline. A bad stabilizer can cutshort the life of your AC drastically
BEE Label . Mystery Solved!
BEElabel gives you a measurement of the energy efficiency of the AC. But ACcompanies often fool the consumers by supplying ACs with old BEE label. Youmust be wondering so as to how a BEE label can be old. Every year thegovernment/BEE labeling agency raises the bar for star rating. So a AC whichwould be rated as 2 star in 2008 might become 1 star in 2009. So if you havetwo ACs having one star difference, then its advisable to check the year oflabelling on the BEE label. Also its advisable to note the EER printed on theBEE label. Its the true parameter of measuring the energy efficiency of yourAC. And unlike the star ratings, EER dont change every year. Its alwaysadvisable to go for a higher EER .
Things to do After Buying
Firstof all check that the AC being delivered is properly sealed . Small shop ownersoften replace the parts with duplicate ones. So the shop-keeper might be dupingyou with a chinese - made compressor. Also check the date of manufacturing. Theolder the AC, the more the chances of it getting tampered by the shop-keeper.Monitor that the installation is carried out properly and that no damange isdone to the unit while fitting. Once the installation is done, run the AC fora couple of days and then get the warranty papers signed by the shop-keeper.Many shop-keepers refuse to do so, but you need to put your foot down and getit done. Never neglect the paper-work.
What if I face problems in the AC?
Ifyou detect some problem in the AC then call the shop-keeper and ask him to getit replaced. If he refuses to do so(which he will), threaten him that you willblock the cheque(PDC). This is where you can use your trump card. If you donthave this option then try and call the customer care department of company. Nocomapny has replacement warranty and this would mean that they would try torectify the defect. If their technicians arent able to do so then the AC wouldbe sent to their service centre and your ordeal would go on and on. Its veryrare to find a repaired AC working properly. Try and pursue the company to getit replaced with a brand new one.