I bought the carrier Optima Plus AC about two years back and my brother bought Samsung AC at the same time. Carrier was expensive than Samsung by 4000 Rs. Till date Samsung has never given any problem whatsoever , whereas Carrier has bugged me from day one. It has got mind of its own , it starts and stop on its own .
After getting it serviced by Carrier people twice , problem still persists. If the fan is set to max speed(3) the AC just refuses to run, which is "unexplained and unheard problem with no solution" as per Carrier servicemen. I have given up all hope of problem getting rectified and I see Carrier sales and service as dead thing, there service staff doesnt know a thing about airconditioning.
I would like to tell everyone that DO NOT believe all the big talk of Carrier being inventor of AC and No. 1 in cooling solution as always told by Carrier dealers, they are all bunch of liars maaking false tall claims. Go for Korean brands instead or that matter go for Voltas or Videocon, they are THE BEST and yes THEY ARE INDIAN.