I would like to mention to all consumers that do not be swayed by the sales promoters who will give you hundreds of promises, i.e., life time warranty. It means the motor, blower, and rotor carries a 12-year warranty that is all.
Even in case the the above said items malfunctioned, it will be replaced by free of cost, but still you have to pay the service charge for the service engineer (authorized service centre). Secondly, cleaning will not be included in life time warranty as it is not part of service. For cleaning your chimneys, please use authorized service centers engineers in order to keep the chimney running smoothly.
There are lots of outside people who will come and do for less money, but if something happens to your chimney, i.e., if any part is broken or if the chimney stopped working, the life time warranty stands cancelled. Cleaning chimney on our own will not help as the authorized people are trained to clean chimney properly inside out whereas we clean only the filter and replace it. There will still be oil clogged in and out of the motor, which is covered and we wont be able to see them unless until it catches fire.