Check this out guys.!
LML is about to launch cruiser vehicle named asTERMINATOR
sounds very dominating as terminator itself.! wait till you see the poster.
I happened to go to the servic center of LML, my beamer had crossed 3200km and had to be taken for the 3rd service.,
when I went in a gave my bike for usually I was just sitting and relaxing.reading newpaper.
just casually I looked around and I saw a BIG wallpaper poster.on the wall.
It read New generation bikes from LML with large size photos of 3 bikes.
one of them was a bike which looked like Karizma.having magwheels painted black, disc brakes, and the engine was 250cc, probably single cylinder.
I tried hard to locate the name on it. since the wall poster was hung higher, and also the bikes name was written on its tank.i coudnt make I went for the next one.
the second was a scooter.looked pretty futuristic.with all the chrome looks every where.i heard it was Automatic transmission 150cc engine.
the name waschipper
Now came the Cruiser. it really took my breath away by just looking at it.
It had 250cc v-twin engine.with two mighty exhausts at both ends. just like the Kinetic Aquilla.
in had a fairly larger disc brakes.spoked wheels. the rear was having a big meaty tyre.problbly same as aquilla has.
But wait attracted me were two things.
first one:- unlike any other cruiser present in INDIA. this cruiser had a large chrome plated air box( I assume).circular shaped box.just in between the two cylinders . projecting a liilte out towards left
also the engine was chrome plated.
To tell you in INSTANCE. the bike looked exactly, like the HARLEY DAVIDSONS bike which arnold rode it inTHE TERMINATOR 2
But of smaller capacity(250cc)
The handle, the riding postion, the tyres, disc brakes, headlights.enigine.airbox.exhaust.everything looked the same.Beleive me!
I think thats why LML named the bike after Arnolds character with the bike.
yes guys. the name is was on the cruisers tank written.(seen on the wallposter)
Man I am eagerly waiting to see when it will be released.
when I enquired with the service manager there he told me that the bikes were supposed to be relealsed in mid 2005, but due to the fincial problems they cancelled it.
Now since LML has got its fincial problem rectified( 300cr reconstruction plan)
He said these bikes will soon be on road in coming mid year.or so.
He also said that . LML is coming with a BIG bang in coming years.1
I hope so .being An LML owner. I really want my company to be more reputed and famous.after all this disgusting previous years .LML had
So the company decided to Hire TERMINATOR from the future. to do the job.
I am sure Terminator will do his job ver well.(ASTA.LA .VISTa.BABY!)
(Psss.i am arnolds big fan.especially terminator movies.)
GUys! hold on TIGHT. becoz now LML has TERMINATOR with them.
he is not gone spare us .
we will see a lot of terminators in our cities roaming around with ELEGANCE and HONOUR. soon.( remember the title music of terminator2)
I am holding my breath for these moments. I will buy him.
SO WAIT guys.!
becoz.Hell be back!