Before you plan tobuy Gear bike let you know that what is the use of Gears and its function, [Gear Box in Motorcycle].
For City computing purpose Additional Gears don’t help inany way. For which Experts should say, Gears are useful for Heavy vehicle, which takes greater payload there by Engine stress is reduced.
For a typical Motorcycle Gears or Cars,
First Gear -Transfers the loads 3 times lesser, which takes the payload.
Second Gear - Transfers the Load Approx Greater than 1.7and Less than 2
Third Gear - Transfers the load 1.2 to 1.5 range
Top Gear / Final Gear / Over drive Gear etc - Transfers theload Less than 1 means Entire RPM of Engine power is directly available, tokeep the running speed at constant motion.
Here the Fonda goeshere, Knocking / Rolling sound in Engine/Gear box will come when speed mismatchis there out of Sync, To avoid this you have to pump in more fuel or lower theGear when ever required.
Reverse Gear - This is connected at par to that of Firstgear where in the Motion will be changed.
What is in after 3rd and Final Gear? - This can be any number Gear one can haveas per vehicle design and requirement.
In simple way most of the vehicle with No payload onecan start in 2nd Gear then for the pick up use the 3rd gearand one can directly shift to Top gear, If you are driving plane Road.