Bike/Scooter maintenance for beginners/new users:
Most of the bike riders handover the vehicle to a mechanic for cleaning and maintenance job. Yes it is dirty and time-consuming job which lot of people cannot spare. After all the charges are around 100-150 rupees every 3?6 months. But how many of the mechanics know what they are doing. Very few.
One theory is the dealer?s workshop is not trustable; so a local mechanic is better. But the history of the local mechanics says that they work under somebody for 1-2 years and open their own shop. There are always some trainees working under them. They only handle your routing job. Experienced mechanics do only repairing job.
On the other hand in dealer?s shop once u handover the vehicle u can see the bike only when it is handed back to u. So what the people are doing inside is dark secret. But they do have full equipments and all are trained well. So both dealer?s and local shops have their+ and? points. This article will give u some idea what is to be done in case u decide to do it urself.
I have divided the process into different groups; each has some theory and the method of doing. Equipments required are also given. The whole process can be separated into 2 groups: 1. Cleaning, 2.lubrication
Note: remember for bolts/screw/plugs anti clockwise is loosening and clockwise is tightenin
Filters:(*Screw drivers, bowl, blower(not compulsory)
The engine requires Air fuel mixture in the ratio if 14:1 to run smoothly. Both the air and petrol are cleaned separately. Air filter* is normally a Foam with oil coating or paper. Foam can be cleaned with petrol(some are water washable*), blown air and coated with 2T or some thin oil. Foam to be replaced every 20000kms or when it becomes unusable.
If ur model Foam is not available in market need not work. Any type of foam will do. .(Actually the oil is the filter and foam is the medium to hold the oil) Paper filters cannot be cleaned only replaced. Same way Fuel filter to be replaced in every 10000 kms or so.
New filter called K & N filter has come in the market. Because of the presence of foam or paper on the way the air pressure will be reduced in normal filters. K & N filter increases the airflow by 3-4 times so the power and efficiency will increase. It need not be replaced in the bike?s or rider?s lifetime. It cost few thousand rupees. Normal one few tens.
Spark plug:( plug spanner, blade/salt paper/pin)
Air fuel mixture which reaches the chamber is ignited by a spark produced by the spark plug*. If the plug does not produce the correct spark strength fuel will be wasted. Normally plug gets Carb.on deposits from fuel and oil and other dirt and gets clogged. Cleaning is easy. Blade/salt pater/pin can be used.
Remember not to disturb the gap* while cleaning. Otherwise it is to be set again. Install new plug every 10000kms.It costs few tens of rupees. While buying if same plug is not available get one at least with same gap.
-Remove the HT cable
-Clean the outside
-Remove the plug using the spanner
-Clean the plug
-Reinstall(not over tight)
*General cleaning:
*Cleaning the vehicle generally by low-pressured water gives a nice feeling. Actually this is to be done before stating the other works. After using water dry with soft cloth.
Carburetor: Carb need not be cleaned everytime.So for lack of space I have added separate article on Carb.In case required go thr? it.
Lubrication(drain plug spanner, pliers for removing filler lid if it is tight)
Wherever and whenever two parts are moving close to each other lubrication is required to reduce friction. The following areas are important in that order.
Engine: In 4 stroke 2 wheeler engine, gearbox and clutch are together lubricated by single pool of oil. So the frequency of change is more than car. For normal SC* grade 2000-2500 kms is ok. More the grade means more the oil change intervals. I prefer using lowest grade oil possible and use more frequently. This is because after some time whatever good the grade may be the quality will come down as time flies.
So fresh oil in less kms is better than semi fresh oil. Also old bikes may have leaks and it is a waste to use costly oil and leak it also. To change the Engine oilL does this when the engine is warm)
-Remove the filler cap(this is first because if u r not able to remove after removing the oil drain plug u cannot ride the bike as no oil will be there.)
-Keep a bowl under the drain plug.(Which is a bolt)
-Remove the drain bolt under the engine.
-Let the oil drain out.
- Kick starter lever without ignition?on?. More oil will come out. Slightly tilt the bike more oil may comeout. Give some time for most of the oil to come out. By the time the oile is drained other works can be finished.
-Check the washer in the drain plug. Change it if not ok.Use double/triple washer is single is leaking.
-Pour the oil directly /use funnel
-How much to fill? There are 3 ways to check the level depending on the model.1.dip stick2. Level window 3.level bolt/screw. Use any one of this*.
Chain(screw driver/spanners)
Chain is one of the most neglected parts in a bike. Whatever power is generated is to be transferred to the rear wheel thro? the chain. If it is not cleaned and lubricated there will be loss of efficiency. For cleaning do the flowing:
-Open the covers(any one of the them is enough)
-Clean the chain with brush and some solvent(diesel/kerosene) by rotating the wheel.
All the cables except Speedo
All the cables require lubrication from time to time. Normally nobody feels any thing if the cable is not oiled. But suddenly on the road one cable may break and u will regret . Oiling cable is easy but time consuming.
All the cables(clutch/throttle/front brake) can be removed from the vehicle completely. Then pour oil through one end it will come in the other end.(Even it we cannot see it putting oil in one end liberally is enough). While these cables are pulling type; Speedo cable is twisting type and it does not make any sense to lubricate.
Other lubrication
Other parts like steering cone, axles can be lubricated.
Note: Don?t lubricate brake drums; they work on friction. But if mud or any thing goes inside they may not work. So clean then by low-pressure water. See the springs are freely moving.
If Ur vehicle does not have a battery by pass this step:
Battery requires distilled water once in a while. So check the level of water and fill by removing the screw caps. Distilled water is available is stores. Fill up to the marked level. Regarding the battery following points are to be remembered:
-IF u have kick start bike with battery, it is used for Horn, side indicators, Neutral indicator and fuel gauge(if available) which is 2.5AH
If u have electric starter that is also added so it may be >9AH,
Some bikes have headlight directly connected to battery. Then the power may be more.
Note: In all the cases the starting of the bike-using kick-starter does not have any connection with battery. So if Ur battery is down u can start the bike with kick. Only thing is horn/blinkers will not work.
indicates refer Owners manual.