“Man’s best friend is a Dog …
And his second best friend is a Blog”
I am seriously considering the option of asking the leading blogging websites to start offering me a royalty for the way I promote blogs. But it is the delight of blogging that pushes me to encourage others to start blogging. Thanks to this, in the recent past I have got three friends of mine addicted to blogging and two weeks back I helped my dad put up his first Blog.
For those who are still not so familiar with the concept of blogging – it is like a web page that various websites provide (like https://blogspot.com and https://wordpress.com). So this is your world where you can write anything and post. It can be personal, professional, agony, happiness, knowledge, sheer time pass, just about anything.
The basic advantage that a blog has over a website is that there is no filtering or checking of what you write. So you can write what you feel for and what you don’t, no categories! Until of course you plagiaries and get flagged by someone!
Why Blog?
Because it’s not easy to get published and read by people in ALL parts of the world. And blogs are a great way to get published for free and be read in all parts of the world. No point saying MS is free too… there’s difference. On a blog you can be yourself and not write ‘product reviews’ (which I never write on MS anyways).
Many of us have the talent in us to write and others want to acquire this talent, but we hardly ever try to write, thinking who will read it? A blog not only gives us the opportunity to write but also to experiment with our writings.
We often write on bits and pieces of papers, random word documents or diaries, which in some time get lost and with them go our thoughts, feelings and efforts. But a blog maintains a neat record forever of whatever we write.
The kicks…
For any writer who has a passion for what he is doing, there’s a kick and excitement factor attached to blogging. There nothing more fun than passing around your blog links to your friends and family and even colleagues.
Why not to blog?
For some of us who write for being read… blogging might become a very disillusioning experience because blogs do not get comments easily. Only if you have a group of friends or like-minded people who like to read or have interest in you, your blog will get comments. But even then, you cannot touch the 200 mark that writers at MS do.
Of course for those who can go on and on chit chatting in the comments section… anything is possible.
A profile…
I know of many people who chose writing for newspapers and magazines as a hobby at some point in their lives. For the same, their blog provided as a profile for their writing. Even for young people who wish to go into writing, posts on a blog show their progress as a writer over a period of time. Many companies these days ask people for their blogs while applying for writing related jobs
An important factor
Many writers toil with the language problem. Though we want to write, our distorted English becomes a big problem for us. We cannot write straight language and hence despite having a flare for writing, our work makes no sense. Practicing on a blog is a great way of improving your language as well as writing skills. As a young journalist, when I look at my blog that I have been maintaining for over two years now, I witness great growth and evolution in my style of writing and even in language.
So blog…
PS – for all those who blog, and don’t mind it… can I get your blog link in the comments?
“Man’s best friend is a Dog …
And his second best friend is a Blog”
And ive named my favourite stuff toy (my third best friend) - Plog! :P