Ever thought if any of your writings makes sense? Sometimes do you feel if you are actually writing something relevant and whether it is useful to someone? What am I doing in front of this stupid computer writing gibberish as it flows in my mind? Does my opinion really count?
I guess not. Your review or writing is strictly your opinion (unless you are presenting technical accuracy facts). I doubt whether you would actually be able to influence others to see your viewpoint. But then - what’s the point?
These questions have boggled me for a couple of years and will boggle me for a couple more. But so far the answer I have received is the writing style. The presentation style. Is it not true for anything? For ex., why does a brand name with more gimmickry often stand out over better technological companies? Presentation. And the marketing. In the end it amounts to selling yourself. (Don’t we all?)
Well, there are a few more - I guess the anonymity of expressing my views is there. I fear no retribution when expressing my views at any online forum. (be it Cnet, imdb, mouthshut, Sharikou or others) Also when I look back over my postings a long time gone by, the article is an insight and delves my psyche at the time of writing. I muse over a few of them and often think how I wish I could roll back time...
To be useful or not is not the question. MS wants more writings to sell itself- It’s sole source of existence is your opinions. Based on your Personal experience or your viewpoint. Again it boils down to does it count?
If there are fools to write there are fools who will read too. Not necessarily. They might just be seeing your viewpoint and comparing similarities with their own. You’d be surprised how many of them match.
I remember long ago reading the first or the second weekly edition of the Focus supplement which accompanies the Hindu magazine. The focus of the supplement was about architecture and construction. The author began thus...
’’We are a product of madness - A madness of passion. As we unfurl our hands, we see our first sights of this planet- Earth. Brightness dazzles us newborn infants and darkness instills fear. As we learn to walk, we experience our first freedom -freedom of movement. As we look at the birds flying, we hope to overtake them someday with our newborn confidence. As we learn our first signs of communication, we endear ourselves to our fore bearers like the hungry dog wagging its tail.’’
This was the very first paragraph of the story. Do you see any correlation between architecture, construction and the above paragraph? Yet, the above paragraph has captivated my attention with the writing style. For he spoke an irrelevant truth (in this context) but well presented. Instead he could also have stated - Hey, did you know? We are a product of sex by our fore bearers! But that sounds - how do I put it, Ummm, tactless? The fact is the above Para conveys the same, but is well presented. It not only conveys his line of thinking, while highlighting his presentation skills, but actually involves us to read further. The opening got me interested in reading the entire article. When compared to the topic of relevance. See what I mean?
So while MS is seeking your opinion for their livelihood, hopefully, you are seeking to hone your creative skills. By expressing your thoughts. And where have I read that it also relieves your frustration at times, while seeking to inform others not to use what you don’t like? Your views made regarding a product actually is used to judge the product. In my very first posting, SUPSPARO attempted to let me know his opinion. I guess I was charged up and my own personal bias showed up. My personal preferences as you would call it...
Electronic gadgets or any device may work best for most and some would have a preference for a particular brand. Expressing your opinion about them may not be accurate, but is based on your personal experience. It may not be applicable for others, but does that really negate your review? When you consider that mankind’s approximation of the age of the universe is an “impressive” 1.2 % accurate, does it really matter? When we have bigger questions to answer such as our origins, why worry over the accuracy of your review over a manmade electronic device? So keep writing...
As the significance of blogging increases, I guess my doubts would still be there. Specifically concerning privacy. But I have noticed that whatever your opinion, it does count. And there are significant majorities who have had the same experience. And though they might be physically distant, the internet offers a means of getting closer with your opinions. There are a lot of like minded people who would agree with you the moment you have made a review. And the best part is you are chatting with them online sometimes without revealing your identity! You do not have to reveal that if you do not wish to (if you fear retribution). That is a key factor for the growth of blogging online. I wish it was that simple with government processes. There are a few complaints against a few locations not suitable for my locality.
Another important fact - As we run shorter of time (superficially) we also tend to be less socially inclined; you look forward to blogging/ chatting with your friends online. You must have heard the joke about a dad emailing his son to come down to dinner... (The son stays in the same house on the first floor) In other words, the generation exposed to the internet is plain “lazy” to actually meet a person. Not laziness due to physical exertion. Laziness born out of meeting a person letting down expectations. Why take the fun out of a happening chat or blogging instead of meeting them? You still have your personal space in the comfort of your home. And convey your points to your friend’s group. It’s like writing your personal opinions in a diary and posting it to an unknown person.
Besides, the addiction of the internet and it’s information…. It is probably the only legal addiction even at home though we are forced to “regulate” the addiction, thanks to our guardians/spouses/children.
All in all, keep writing! And don’t worry about whether it counts. You have already made an impression...