As a reader of books of all kinds, I have occasionally stumbled upon some gems which have the potential to transform the life of an individual. I will briefly discuss some of the books which I highly recommend to anyone who is interested in the subject(most of us should be).
1. The Road Less Travelled by M. Scott Peck: Life is difficult, the author admits in the outset. Well, we all know that! The important question is what can we do about it? A lot! And then the author goes on to demonstrate the inportance of things like good parenting, our subconscious mind, psychoanalysis, grace and God. The best part is that we almost instinctively feel that he is right. I personally am specially grateful to the author because he made me aware of my responsibility towards my son.
2. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey The book still remains the best book on self development I came across. The seven habits, as beautifully demonstrated by the author, forms the pillars of character of an individual. First you must change your inside before you are ready to change the outer world. Some excellent little stories and quotations will keep you engaged.
3. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill The author probably selected the title to capture the attention of fortune seeking Americans. This title is also the reason why I decided not read the book till recently thinking that it deals with the shortcuts to accumulate money. Dont commit my folly - grab a copy of the book as it will enrich your life more than your bank balance. You can improve your effectiveness in almost every sphere of your life by following its principles.
4. The Power of Positive Thinking by N. V. Peale Yes, it is a book promoting Christianity and it does it quite openly. But why should you object to that if ultimately it benefits you? And believe me, it will! Because, ultimately the message is universal and you can easily replace Christ with Krsna and Bible with Quran.
Please go through these books and then we can have fruitful discussions on their contents. I say this because everytime I go through these books I get some new insights. In all probability you will find something which I have completely missed out.