By now I have atleast 12 years of experience in driving. In these years., say from last 4years .i have been watching closely, so many brands, models, makes, engine capacities(100, 115, 125, 135, 150, 160, 180, 200, 220).Full of competition, new models are launched every few months, so much comotion.this that .that this.!
.My god what is happening?
Fine., what ever, doesnt matter.! But . where are those days when customers/people used to think twice, analyze, compare, ask, get opinion and then finalize buying the vehicle.!
where are those days?
Now a days everyone are falling for, , the LOOKS, alloywheels, digital speedo, great handle bar, , new graphics, new design.etc, and what not?
What difference does this make? No, wonder companys are Luring People and becoming rich day by day, by releasing new models every next day by just repainting them.!
and we.? we all are getting fooled by their marketing strategies., by their very.extra-mania, spectacular, wonderlaonus advertisements.
Friends, , wake up!
we are buying bike not to just show off, to some one else,
not just because they look attractive,
not because it has digital speedo
or alloy wheels.etc
but because, we want to commutation/ travel.with safety
but because we believe in the company is promising us SAFETY, RELIABILTY, DURABILITY of their matter what condition the bike is in!,
we believe that the bike the company is giving is tested 1000times before giving it to us, because here we get to play only once with our lives and our family lives with it.
STOP.going for the bikes, just because they are good looking, just because they have alloy wheels or gives good mileage.!
What is the use of .so called "LOOKS, PERFORMANCE, STYLE.etc".when you lose your most PRECIOUS LIFE or even get crippled for rest of your life.!
What is the use.?
I lost my friend once, in my engineering days?
He was 6ft, good built, good in studies, only son of a rich family.
Bought a "Royal Enfield Thunderbird" which was a huge comotion those days.wherever we used to the news, in the the the advertisements.friends talking about it.
.he Fell for it, atlast he bought it just because he overheard all these things.
And one fine day.He went to college with his THINDER BIRD never to go back home again .never.!
He met with an accident in HEBBAL flyover, bangalore, Got hit by a truck from behind, was crushed to death, in his autopsy.a special surgery was done to re-structure his face and body for burial.
The reason got skid.while suddenly breaking and he did not notice the truck coming behind.
Tell me., , what good is the bike with 3.25x18 inch(F) and 3.5x18 inch(R) for an 350CC, 175Kg bike.
.I don t want to hear any justifications here., it wont help bring my friend back.!
Did you see here.!, It was only one life lost, what about people who take pillion riders with them
(wife/children/parents). and take the bike for grantdly that, company has given them a world class bike.
A small few rupees/cent costing faulty spare part or a good spare part assemebled improperely by the company.and here our customers play with their life.
Personally, .I dont care .company brand name, or the style, , or the mileage , , or the attractive finacing features.
All I want is a bike, which is built with a soul, Relaiability, durability and safety first.
No wonder, why I chose for LML, even though the company got closed.
So People, here are few points which I bring it to notice, while buying a bike:-
1)*Dont go for looks. -> they betray you(marketing strategy)
2)Never ever judge a bike .with all these reviews written.
most of them are written by teenagers.simply going ga ga over the looks, they have different purpose for buying a bike.(they will realise one day)
3)Dont fall for advertisements.
4)dont be become just falling for new attractive finaicing schemes.
What I feel is . we should go through all the negative reviews written here for that particular bike you are choosing, because almost 90% of them are true. but for all the Positive reviews written most of them 80% are hypped / exaggerated by the self Boasting owners or tennagers.
*It is better to understand and look for the Negative parts first than the Overly creamed postive parts.
*"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst"
*Just like this gentleman, below review
An battery problem caused at midnight with his wife and children.that to with a bike which doesnt have kick starter.(YAMAHA FZ16), What is the use of buying such a bike, , when it cant gaurntee your safety or atleast your family safety.
Few Facts:-
-> 80% of people purchased Yamaha FZ16 just because it had FAT TYRE.
->75% people brought Yamaha FZ15 because it was replica of R1( ah! what a toy).
->Tenagers went crazy .when bajaj first released its digital speedo Pulsar.
->TVS started putting most of their effort of R&D in trying to beat their competitors(Bajaj) in the RACING AND Acceleration ARENA.
->TVS trying to compete with Bajaj and Bajaj trying to compete with Yamaha, and so.on
Please apologise me.if any of my above observations were incorrect or false.
My review is written, not to hurt anybody or to degrade anyone.
But all I wanted you people to realize that, , we are the customers, we hold the reponsibilty for our own future, our own familys future, of what we buy .
we can buy many bikes like this and throw them in our life time.
but a small misjudgment in buying a bike.and you will not have life at all!(no second chance)
Some times I feel like we are "guinea pigs" of the market.creating a test bench for the companys R&D product.
Dont get discouraged or bullyed when your friend has more powerful bike or more feature rich bike. all bikes have the same purpose .SAFE TRAVEL, if they dont serve this purpose.I dont mind even if it is "FIREBLADE, R1 or HAYABUSA".they are waste.
( I dont mean to say "FIREBLADE, R1 or HAYABUSA" are inferior)
But When you buy thinking your life depends on it, or your family life depends on it .
Because when your riding a bike."your life Matters in seconds"
Yes, even I loved speed, when ever I used to race with ongoing cars in the highway with family in my car, and started racing father used to tell me.softly " Son, remember.your whole family life is depending on the way you drive". Then I dropped by racing and Drove responsibly.(This was years ago.)
Thank you friends, for spending your precious time with this review.