Fabulour experince deprived of by buying Mahindra Quanto. Guess it was a mistake to be waylaid bymPrice:( its not as cool as its been marketed. I for a change feel being shortchanged by Mahindra.
Even I went gungho and quickly bought my First Mahindra.the all Desi Car. But soon aimrealised the Euphoria tun into pain.
Can someone believe that the steering column shock transmits on to the Drivers body? It can create havoc for an enthusiasts like me who tends to believe in the Brand.
The local Service centre has finally admitted that there is no Shock dampeners.wow and how.
Discerning buyers, please be vary of this missing part in QuNto, it may lead to severe discomfort in the long run and you might have to TANK the car.
Someone like Ranjan Mitra, whom proudly heads the division should sit up and take cognizance of this anomaly, which many are caught unawares.
For Peanuts all one can get is Monkeys! The saying is so true.