Sounds very silly and Not so important topic to write about, but I bet its your daily concern if you have a Car. But, I after reading my review I am sure you will remember me once you look at your car.
A person can be judged from the way he/she Keeps their Car. Here I explain step by step methods of washing your car. They are useful tips though they sound silly when you read. but when you come to wash your car you will rewind-up whats told here.
Step 1 - Park your car in Shadow. Very important. 25% WORK IS COMPLETED TOWARDS WASHING YOUR CAR IN A CORRECT WAY.
Step 2 - Close all windows of car properly before you start.
Step 3 - Take two buckets, not one. One for water and one for shampoo.
Step 4 - Add recommended quantity of car shampoo to 5 ltrs of water in shampoo bucket. and with nozzle on force water into the bucket you will get good froth. only use car shampoo and not dandruff or volumising, or silky shampoo for hair.
Step 5 - Take out the nozzle and water -wash your car completely, starting from its top.
Step 6 - Now divide your car in five panels. 1 roof, 2 bonnet, 3 right side, left side of your car and 5 the rear body.
step 7 - Soak a wash mitt(cloth for washing car) or sponge in shampoo and start washing from the roof first. take small area at a time. Allow first area to soak into shampoo and move on to next area.
After you apply shampoo to next area come back to previous and wash off any dirt, grim that might have accumulated. Do not apply more pressure and never wash in circular motion. Move your hand in back and forth action.
Step 8 - If there is any dirt or bugs stuck on the paint, use the tar 7 bug remover available in the market. Go easy. If it still remains there, not to worry about it this time. it will go in your next wash. never try too hard on anything.
Step 9 - work on each panel at a time and Rinse each panel after you shampoo-clean. Be gentle.
Step 10 - Now the last water rinsing. Take the nozzle off the hose and with the free flowing water rinse the entire car. use your palm to check smoothness. give caressing feel to your darling car. she will start smiling.
step 11 take chamois, dip it in plain water and twist the water out. Then, drag it across wet spots on the car to dry it. Ring it again and again while you complete drying your car. Drying your car after wash is important or you will have water spots.
No Car wash is complete untill you clean Car Tyres. using same shampoo with a plastic bristles brush clean your tyres. Allow them to dry. Then apply good quality tyre shine on to them. Tyre cleaning can be done immidiately after you finish rinsing car or even after you dry your car.
Do not do it in the beginning unless you take out the shampoo separately for using on tyres. After Car wash you may wax polish your car. Polishing can be done by hand or with polish machine. I will explain this in steps in my next review.