Autocop is most widely used Car Remotes in India. Its one of the most popular, reliable and affordable Car Keyless Remotes & Security System available in the market. They have models by names Cobra, Piranha. The price ranges starts from Rs 3000. These have the basic keyless entry plus few security features like engine immobilizing, Alarming but it varies from the model you choose. But the remotes are really not so attractive, you may feel it bit bigger and it is kind of oval in shape.These remote do have a small antenna to increase the range of reception little more. If you have already fitted with a autocop power window in your car, it is more compatible with the autocop remotes which do have the feature of global window. This feature allows you to close the glass windows from outside of the car using the remote system. But some people suggested not to go for this feature, reason is that it needs lot of cuts in the existing electrical wiring. If the feature models come with proper connecting kits without cutting the wirings would be great.
Other than autocop there is one more popular security system available and it is factory fitted in most maruti cars by name Nippon and its from the famous audio manufacturer Kenwood. Not very much sure about this product but someone told me that these gives problem during raining season like security alarm automatically turns on during rain and it wont stop unless you plug out the unit from battery power.
All the above remotes are 1 way remotes, there are 2 way remoted available in other countries with LCD programmable panels in the remotes.