The most hated thing in this world is while watching a good movie a very interesting scene come and suddenly Beep Beep beep and a loud voiceHELLO YA TELL ME BLAH BLAH BLAH ..
There would be atleast 10 to 15 call in the first half of the film, what a distraction. It feels like going to that person and kick him/her on his/her as*.
Pleeeeeease all cell phone users, take this as request or as an advice. Switch of your mobile while entering the movie hall. If you are waiting for an important call just change your phone setting from ringing to vibrator and if you receive a call please go out of the hall and talk.
I seen people keeping thier phone volume to the high.
A Kind advice
Please set you phone ringing volume to 1.
Use vibrators instead of ring tones.
Answer the call in soft voice and not shout at the top of the voice to get everyone attention.
If the person on the other end is unable to listen to you go out of the crowd to a lonely place and talk.
A nice information in US there is a 50$ fine if your phone goes on in a public meeting or performance. Hope this law gets implement in India