Hello friends now I would like to give you tips on CFL bulbs CFL lights. As I can see that many people use tube lights and normal bulb that consume electricity very much and the light is also not good you cancannot see on the light otherwise will have to face headache.
That is the reason governments are giving CFL lights CFL bulbs in very cheap rate because they are very cheap in electricity consuming also CFL lights consume lights almost half in the comparison of tube lights and 60 watt bulb 100 watt bulb.
Durability of CFL lights is very good it is very lightweight and light off CFL lights are bright and adjustable to your eye.
so if CFL lights are available in very cheap rate and it is cheap in consuming electricity also then why you should not use it nowadays people are starting using it because they know all the benefits of CFL.
So my trip is for you guys that you all should use the CFL light it will save the electricity also.