I wanted to write on ms meets and to give my own ideas connected with it, to give idea, imagination has to flow, as I write this slowly as the image and imagination start from my mind and as eyes read whehter it is coming nicely and type that tell yes it has come so well.
This review I am able to write so well because mind is right with heart.
Let me go step by step elementary way.
We all should remember that each day is a new day in life, when we sleep in the night one is not sure
whether he will wake or not wake at all.
When the phone rings, the other side tell good morning, why it is repeated for life is because if u dont speak during the morning hours, it will be assumed that you are sleeping or gone outside.if gone outside why so early the other end inquisitively ask.
Familiar always can make out errands of your mornings.
As we become close, now I know when to call my trusted circle and even if I dont call them when to make out they read my mail or what ever way to reach them.
Now back to the main point that is advice on conducting meeting.
1 Firstly ms freinds meet is not like general body like meeting, in club there is formality of conduct, beaviour, payment of fees, and more towards the behaviour is rampant important.
SHH, it is utmost important to give great respect to each and every ms member whehter he or she
has joined MS one month back, one year back, or even decades back, everyone should be fully
respected, given admired smile and never smile like withdrawn or frown like judges.
Here frown is not written on dictionery basis, frown is sort of british type of behavior, where lords in england have this special face where they are dressed with red uniform but face is so red for indians it will look like frown face.as far indian judges I have great admiration for most of judges once they
become carry a very strict face with human ness, and I wont elaborate as judges should not be
judged on the face of their look rather give them full respect because they have to take care of
constitutional provision .
SO dont frown at other members rather look at them repeatedly.
In MS meet, usually members may not be familiar with one and all, some have close circle and some have exclusive circle, some have only one to one circle, and many have common circle and ever green like sajith and harry they carry star type where ever they go, they hold the meeting and win the heart of one and all.
If u frown, sajith will also frown at u, stare your eyes to make it smile.
such is the power of sajith and harry they cant make u win nor make u defeated.so ms freinds today
there will be so many star like above, so make use of them and become part of the meet.
Being interested to attend the meet is itself being conducted.
When I joined ms, when I heard about meet of MS members my excitement was more than those memebrs who met each other, I read word by word, I felt as if I was there, it was so great, my heart actually accelarated with dub dub feel.
I got so much smile on my face reading the meet of
a calcutta meet, delhi meet two times, bombay meet two times, poona meet two times one I attended.
Let it be any no of meet it interests me a lot.
why u may ask, each ms meet brings my attention a lot, here I will be able to read on the names of the members who took part and how they gave their time and shared the feelings.
Meet makes one to make great freinds.
I am so sure already hundreds of close freinds who have common nature and feelings have already become close and they enjoy reading their mutual trusted freinds writings.
1 let there be announcement of conducting meet .
2 new members should take some kind of responsibility.
3 if there is chance of at least 10 to 20 members to join it will give great feel.
4 short and sweet let the meet be, but it will give more room for later meet.
5 some memebrs may feel let us have a session of drinks.
iteams to add.
so many iteams of food eatables can be here, why not bring iteams made at home, or specail iteams that is in their respective extension.
When one eat lot along with members, it will be all fun fun feel.
games is really needed to bring together the feel of that we are not just writers.
for the time being, but later will add as mind dictates.
just now added ideas or feelngs.
a chance to sing english or hindi songs, a kind of dance that you alone can make all laugh.
short and sweet musical chair game.
Even antakshari also may be sung.
if time permits a late hour to last, a small fire lit with few waste wood iteams and sit around it and sing a song together and lastly
ms is sort of all india or all world ms memebrs and indians where ever they live love to read or feel how ms meet was shared by members.
if mind dicates and money is availed one will indeed fly to the destination ms meet be delhi, bombay, pune, calcuatta, yes someday I will surprise many in to join and hug.
Beginning of ms meet and now whole of ms staff will take interest.
So far it was ok, sort of disinterest feel for the members of ms, but now as Ms has become all indian fame, they value it a lot, so each of us are sort of ambassador for our respective regions.thanks to ms meet.
Dont be shy to add your comment as you leave an imprint of being.
yes, my prayer is just this, this is not my reivew it is your own baby and please nurture as one take care of something precious, young to all ages have a lot to gain in their career, profession and if they have problems will be able to get solace of sooth.
each comment is adding strength and wishes for the growth of MS.
If I can sing top of the world song in ms meet, means a heart felt feel for me all the time.so if I can feel this much it should also touch alike and happiness to brood or spread like wave.
How MS people can help conduct of meet.
1 If there is kind of appreciation, from faisal to other staff.
2 Ms meet can enhance the value and it is a great adviertisement for ms products rating.
3 in stock market there is an organsiation that rates same way it can happen.
4 culture of ms meet is to share and bring greater understanding.
in ordinary organisation like Rotary, lions, junior chambers, or chamber of commerce, most of them
are business persons who have no idea of writing, post or reviews, here this is sort of writers in making.
I was astonished to see fenil, at the age of 18 he commands better respect than me.
fenil I really appreciate the way u walk and smile and write in such dignity.