Ref:- My complaint dated 26.06.2015 Order No. 3005266077 The undersigned has received Product bearing order No. 3005266077 on 26.06.2015.
But Carpet is not proper i.e. tech is not proper, and the color not proper, we seen color online same is require, but same is not received.
The undersigned made request to take back the product bearing order no. 3005266077, the office has informed to me sent back to us on given address which is by email, but I enquirer in the Courier office on telephone no.+91240 2329902 which was product received by me.
The Courier Officer has informed to me, Please loge complaint in office of Indiatimes Shopping Office, if the Indiatimes Shooping has infome the pin numbder, then courier service ready to collect the product. I also inrequre other courier service he charge Rs.2000/- as courier charges. Therefore your are requested to consider my request and send the pin number to us or Courier service.
Thanking you.
Dnyanehswar Ranganath Sonawane,
Plot No. 35, High Court Society,
Parijant Nagar, N-4, CIDCO,
Aurangabad - 431 003(Mah.)