ConnectReseller is ICANN Accredited white label company. I came to know about them from facebook. Actually I wanted to become a reseller and was searching reselling companies on facebook. Then I came across their page ConnectReseller where I went through the updates about their plans which I really liked. On their Facebook page there was a link of their website. It was designed and developed in a very user-friendly way. I got a popup of 24x7 live help as soon I visited their website. I had a chat there I got an idea about their reselling plans which were really good to start-up a Reselling business. But still before paying them online I wanted to visit their company. I called their customer support and confirmed the address. It turns out to be in Thane, a city have much heard-off but not had a sight-of. Thane city is very much crowded as ever compared to the rest, though had been informed about the land-mark as it was behind MC-Donald and paradise tower. And to my surprise, everybody on my way whom-so ever I asked about it, knew the place and guided me very well. As soon I reached there was greeted very well by the office guy(I think he was the one), was asked for water as it was evening time they also offered me tea and snacks. There an exec gave me an idea about all the Reselling plans and I registered & made the payment through cheque. I am Connect-Reseller from the past two months and they are really providing a mind-blowing service and assistance. Ultimately, the results and the services matter to me the most nothing else.