Hello friends I would like to give you some tips on domestic violence. If you are facing domestic violence then you should raise your voice against domestic violence. And the main reason of domestic violence is bad habit of drinking and dowry women having beaten many of time because of dowry because of bad habit of drinking and it happens again and again because you all do not raise your voice against domestic violence.
Nowadays Womens are more stronger then they had now you can coming out and raise your voice against domestic violence. Impact of domestic violence is very bad it will effect on your children also.
Now womens have the right to feeling petition against domestic violence. so you all womens out there can be against of this violence.
If you will not raise your voice again this kind of violence then it will regularly happen with you and you will not be able to stop it.
And the domestic violence is not only about dowry it is also about husbands bad behaviour it is also about in-laws bad behaviour.
It is not only about physical torture of physical harassment it is also about mental harassment.
So my tips for you all is that you should raise your voice against domestic violence this initial step you all should take to improve our community.