Videocon dth service. The picture quality is very good. Remote is very good. And settopbox is cute.
However, The support service in dth is Horrible. So far my videocon dth service. Is truly a menace, An experience equivalent to watching. A horror movie in terms of support.
Firstly, right from day 1, I did not get The channels I ordered. Secondly, i had to send million mails. To rectify this for weeks.
Lastly, the amount of calls I was getting, When I was waiting for another call was. Truly staggering. From afternoon till evening, I was only attending calls from them. Useless
Wastage of time. Time and again, a Chennai videocon dth technician kept disturbing Me to visit my home when there was no reason for It even after problem was solved. It was quite ominous. As if someone was looking for a way to break into the
House using some means. Finally only after saying We would call the police, he stopped calling. Very unprofessional service i have ever seen In my life. Infact scary.