Hello Everyone, My name is Sachin and I am from Gurgaon. I moved from cable TV network to DTH Service recently. I was searching over Google like Which DTH offers the best deal for HD entertainment and movie channels as the problem is simple - lots of channels, lots of DTH operators, countless number of packages. Which one should you pick?
And finally found the link https://bookmydth.com
This website is having all the detailed information & comparison about all the service providers, their channels & packages. I discussed over online chat option available on website and had a detailed enquiry about everything possibilities regarding my requirement for my DTH need and finalize with 1 year pack of Videocon DTH. The person name was SAM who cleared all my doubts, provides me all the right information, given positive response to all my queries and commit me the installation time for 6 hrs. but to my surprise the Videocon DTH technician was reached in 1 hour and installed in another half hour and given the complete demo. I also enquired simultaneously with Videocon DTH customer care but they people are pathetic and not updated with their own product. It was really great to see a Company(BookMyDTH) who is committed to their words and provides hassle free service. I will strongly recommend to all my friends if they are planning to buy new DTH connection; they should go through with https://bookmydth.com