My names Shubham and I shared personal experience in my life , I maintained fitness at home so often times the right information can change a persons life , this happen with me and Yoga.there are a lot of Yoga positions and poses that is built to enhance posture a.
things considered , Yoga positions posses a lot of advantage such that it aims to improve our conditions and gives us Good Fitness and straight figure.
Some yoga position gives a good fitness and you can do easily at home
1.flex your thigh muscles and then lifting the knee caps is next.
2.Drive your shoulder blades backwords, without roughly pushing your lower front ribs forward.
3.tadason is a usually the primary Yoga position for all the standing poses .
Applying the tansana is beneficial especially in applying poses, staying in pose for 30 second up to 1 min.
If you get up early in morning , and Yoga is beneficial for your body and fitness mainten and you can do Yoga in home .
I hope that shared my experience and like it and implement your life and always fit by Yoga.
Thank you!