I was deeply involved with this trade for quite some time.so my account of the activites which take place at petrol pumps can be turned as an insiders account. But since I belong to delhi my view is only related to delhi petrol pumps.
There are 2 major and primary issues which concerns each one of us when we get our vehicles tanked up.Ill provide info on them one by one.
Quality: The problem of quality arises when some inferior chemical is mixed with either diesel or petrol and sold in the garb of genuine fuel.In my humble opinion this activity of adulteration is not prevelant in delhi, but exceptions are always there.There are more then 350 pumps in delhi alone out of which a clean chit can be given to atleast 90 % of them safely and surely. But the question here is how to check.....A normal customer like most of u or even for that matter an a knowledgable punter like me cannot 100% accurately ascertain this on the spot.However the oil companies have provided a system of a DENSITY TEST on the pumps. Any one can check the fuel by this test. There are always instruction displayed on the pump on how to conduct the test if they are not you asked the staff available to show themthe printed instruction board given to them by the company. if the density test complies and the staff doesnt hesitates you acn be assured to a certain extent the quality is ok.
QUANTITY: If and when you are not assured of the quantity ask the staff for a 5 litre measure which is mandatory for pumps throughout india to keep. Befor checking the fuel in the measure always check that there is a seal pasted on the neck of the 5 ltr measur by the weights and measure department. If the seal is there then the measure appartus is ok.Those who are have a malafide intention always keep a duplicate measure to show to customers, but it does not have the seal. Then you fill the measure by the dispensing machine and if the fuel comes up till the neck of measur then the quantity is ok.
Another thing which you must must check is the zero on the machine before the nozzle is put in the tank of the car and always try to stand out of the car when its is being filled.Because sometinmes the attendents what they do is, suppose if they have filled 2 lt in ascooter and then its your car next andf you dont check zero they will start the meteres from 2 litres and you will pay extra for that.
I hope that this info will educate you and help you from becoming unneccesarly prejudice.