Hi guys I would like share mt experience about hair loss, now a days hair loss is a become common problems so many people
iam suffering from hair fall in two years. there are several factors behind hair loss such as environ mental effect, aging, too much stress, EXCESSIVE SMOOKING, nutritional difficiency, genetic infection, scalp infection and using wrong chemical enriched hair products and many more.
if normally to lose 50 to 100 strands a day. when you start losing hairs more than that, its time to take some action so dosnt progress to baldness guys.
iam using som homemade readily ingredients can be used to treat hair loss at home .if you it will easy .
1: HAIR OIL MASSAGE ON YOUR SCALP DAILY-The first step I can take to reduse hair loss is to masage over scalp,
2:INDIAN GOOSEBERRY:For natural and natural fast growth it can also known as AMLA, it has so many health benifits.
3FENUGREEL:Fenugreek is also known as methi, is highly effective in treating hair loss.
4:ONION JUICE:onion juice is helpos to treat hair loss due to its high sulfur content.
5:ALOE VERA: ALOE vera contains enzymes that directly promotes health to hair growth.
6:LICORICE ROOT: Licorice is on of herb that prevents hair loss and further damage to the hair.
freind iam using these ingredients for three months, my hair fall is coming to stop now my hair is fine .
guys you can try this tip if suffering hair fall .