Many a times you might want to surprise your loved ones/friends on some special ocassions but cant travel to their place due to your work schedule. Here comes into play some great services which help people just like us. Take my recent example. I was searching for a site which would deliver Cake/Flowers in my city. As I was searching I found many Indian sites offering such services, moreover they also offered Same Day Delivery & Midnight Delivery services which I was noy aware was possible in India too as sucha low cost.
I ordered a Black forrest cake at midnight delivery which cost me Rs.375+ Rs 250(Midnight Delivery charges). But its worth since it would be one of its kind surprise. But whats more convenient is the mode of payment which these sites offer. They have offices at almost every city and you can pay there by cash for your order or just directly depoasit in their account. Later just give thema call and confirm your payment. These mode of payment is ofcourse apart from the normal ones like online bank transfer and credit card ones. Here are few such sites:
DOs and DONTs
Always check for address or contact details before placing the order.( This is useful in case of fraud)
If the site is not much trusted then don t pay by Credit card, instead go for cash payment only.
ALWAYS call before making any payment.
FREE HOME Delivery does not always mean FREE. Check for asterix if any.
Give as much deatils as possible in your address.
6.Order gift at least 3 days advance before the ocassion.