These guys are incorrigible cheats. See article on MouthShut by Vijay exposing their dirty methods
I got this call a few days back informing that I have won a prize and should collect it from Casa Retreat. Might have fallen into this trap, my wife had the sense to google Casa retreat and came across this article by Vijay. I will email this article to all my friends/relatives and ask them to beware of both Casa Retreat/Club Mahindra and any other timeshare holiday company.
Incidentally, there was a nice article by Steven Levitt(author of the book Freakonomics) on what a bad deal these timeshare holidays are. Dont have the url right now but they had argued that timeshare holidays dont make any economic sense for the buyer(in fact its close to daylight robbery)
Next time they call, I am going to tell them to come to the nearest police station to collect their gifts(silver coin, tumblers, Rs 1000, coffee maker, dessert bowls). These people need to be jailed for 90 years for wasting 90 minutes of so many people