Every day I take a shower (yes this is true, whether I want to or not)! And everyday, the iron from our water leaves it mark! It leaves its mark in the washing machine, in the coffee pot, even in the toilet. I scrub and scrub and scrub, to no avail! I need help! (Do not say mental here, I will hear you! Although it is most likely true!)
My husband works part time at our local Home Depot and he told me about this product called ZepA® which claims to take the iron, rust, calcium and lime out! Now having arthritis in both arms and hands, I do not have the strength to scrub a lot. I have to take breaks while cleaning. So a product that will make my life easier is great. So he brought some home for me to try.
ZepA® comes in a gallon white plastic jug, concentrate, which makes up to 5 gallons or 18.93L. There is a rust colored label on the front of the container, which says Calcium Lime and Rust Stain Remover. Instantly removes calcium deposits from glassware, decanters, tea and coffee pots. Instantly removes lime scales from coffeemakers, humidifiers, tubs, toilets and sinks. Instantly removes rust stains from stucco, brick, porcelain, chrome and metals.
Now I have to admit, it sounded impressive! But would it work? Only one way to find out! I mixed about A½ 16oz spray bottle with the ZepA® and the other A½ with water. I sprayed the shower down really well. And guess what? Instantly the iron started to disappear. I left it on the shower and went and sprayed the toilet really well to see what it would do there. The iron deposits started to disappear there as well. Then I thought, I have stainless steel sinks in the kitchen and wanted to see what it would do there. I sprayed the sinks and instantly the calcium deposits started to go away. I was impressed! I was amazed! I liked this product very well! My life had just been made easier by such a wonderful product. I was sold!
I then thought I would try it in the coffee maker. I filled the coffee pot with 1 cup ZepA® and filled the rest of the pot with water. I ran the mixture through the maker. All the iron from the inside of my coffee maker came running through. I reran the same mixture two more times (it had been a while since I had cleaned the inside, because I could not find anything that would work)! The inside of my coffee maker looked like new. I then ran clean water behind the mixture, which I did have to do several times to satisfy myself that all of the ZepA® was gone and that there would be no chemical taste in my coffee. When the water was completely clear I was satisfied. Please note that the product will cause lots of tiny bubbles while draining from the coffee maker into the coffee pot. And the pot itself will be cleaned as well. I sometimes take a little ZepA® and pour into the coffee pot and take a cloth and clean it. Rinse well.
I then decided I would try some in the washing machine. So I sprayed the mixture that I had made up for the shower and toilet all inside the washing machine. Instantly the iron started to go away. I then ran the washer with hot water and let it go through a wash cycle with just the mixture in it. I was simply amazed once again. I thought then I would try some on my floors. I have linoleum tile and in the kitchen with my family, there are always marks on the floor. I sprayed the mixture I had made up directly onto the floor. I took my mop, which I had rinsed with warm water and the stains, marks and spills came right up. I also used the mixture on my bathroom floors and got the same results.
I went back into the bathroom to check the shower and toilet. In the shower there was no sign of iron (However, there are times when my husband, while taking a shower will have to take a non abrasive cleaning pad to clean the shower with, because the iron content is so bad.) In the toilet here was still some iron showing. So I took the container of ZepA® and poured directly around the inside of the toilet. I let it sit for just a few minutes and then took a nonabrasive cleaning pad and scrubbed very little. (My arms were very happy with this decision.)
I also learned that pouring the product directly on other hard to remove stains worked better. I allow a little time and then the stains remove easily. As you use the product you will be able to figure out how you need to mix it for your needs. In my spray bottle I usually put ZepA® and water to dilute it some. I get the same results most of the time. Like I said already, for more stubborn stains I use the product directly.
There are directions for usage for stucco, brick, porcelain, chrome and steel which say to mix equal parts with hot water and apply directly to rust with a brush, cloth or sponge. Again, if the mixed mixture is not enough, use directly. Now other than my pots and pans I have not used the product on the other items. But my guess would be it would work very well. You will have to use a little muscle though if your pots and pans looks like mine do sometimes. (Dont all of our pots and pans look the same anyway?)
Now I have tried other products (CLR) and it does work as well. However for the money, I get 5 times the amount and a lot more product. I only pay 6.99 for the gallon and it will last a long time. I do have to spray my shower down about every three days or so, because the iron content is so horrible like I stated above. I use ZepA® for cleaning all the sinks as well.
On the backside of the label are the directions for using ZepA®. The directions are printed in English, Spanish and French. There is a number and address on the back as well to the company should you have questions or comments about the use of the product.
Now I have to tell you that you must be careful using on marble, aluminum, painted and metallic glazed surfaces. And DO NOT use on clothing or wood. And as usual DO NOT ever mix the product with other cleaning products in your home. You should also know that the product might etch some ceramic tiles, tubs concrete and sinks, so always try the product first in a spot that only you will know about.
The warning label states that you should wear gloves if chemicals bother you. Some people do this anyway. I dont, because I dont like the plastic gloves nor do chemicals bother me. Also the warning label states irritation to the eyes and skin may occur. If swallowed (now dont be drinking the stuff, it is not for that usage, ) but you should call the poison control center in your area or your doctor immediately as you would do with any chemical product. The label says not to induce vomiting but to drink large amounts of water and get medial attention quickly. If you get any of the product on your skin rinse immediately! The label also states that if you inhale to get fresh air quickly as well. If you get the product in your eyes, immediately wash out with water for at least 15 minutes. Call your doctor immediately!
And as always keep this and other products out of the reach of children and pets. This product can be dangerous if swallowed by the little ones. And do not reuse the container unless you have thoroughly cleaned it out. I always throw mine away just to be safe. Its really the best thing to do. But I know that there are some people out there who will reuse the container, so just clean it out well first.
Overall ZepA® is wonderful for me. I trust the name and the product really does what it says it will do. I recommend to all to at least try it. I have used it for over two years now, and will continue to do so. I am still to find anything better for me.
I hope that this will help those of you out there considering a product to clean with.
God Bless!