Keep You Family Safe When Using Household Cleaners
I am an early childhood educator. I work with parents and their young children on a daily basis and have listened to their concerns about chemical poisoning from products used to clean houses, cars and lawn equipment. Each parent I have spoken with is always looking for the best methods to prevent poisonings from house-hold cleaners. In this review I hope to give the reader some helpful hints on preventing poisonings from these possibly dangerous common everyday cleaners.
Young parents have a tough job. They want their homes and cars to be spotless and disinfected to keep their children healthy and happy . But, this gives them more cause for concern because the cleaners they use are potentially harmful to the children they are trying so hard to keep safe.
Prevention is an easily won battle. Prevention is the key to house-hold cleaner safety.
As a parent ask yourself how can I prevent my child from being able to reach or explore my cleaners and others dangerous chemicals in my home?
The first step is the obvious. Keep all cleaning agents out of reach. Use child safety locks on all cabinets, even the high ones. One parent told me her two year was found crawling in the cabinets above the stove. The parent explained she was ironing a jumper looked up and there he was, smiling like a cat who had just caught a mouse. This was an amazing feat for such a small child and gives the heads up on just how capable a child with a mission can be.
Take time to read all of the labels on each product you own. The manufacturer will often give safety advice and storage advice right on the label. This may take a little extra time, but a parent should always know what they are using to clean anything with and if it is harmful to their family in any way.
If you are cleaning with a product and are suddenly distracted by the phone ringing or a neighbor dropping by for a visit, pick up the cleaner and take it with you. It only takes a second for a child to realize the no-no bottle is available for exploring hands and mouths.
Never store cleaners in pretty attractive containers. Keeping them in their original containers will let other adult family members know that it is a cleaner and needs to be put away when finished using. Pretty containers will attract children as well as any toy.
Make certain to never store cleaning products with food products. It may be handy to keep a spray bottle of cleaner in the cupboard for ease of use but it is dangerous and should not be done. Some aerosol cleaners can be mistaken for aerosol vegetable oils.
Utilizing these helpful tips will help in preventing accidental poisonings. Prevention is an important key and should not be lazily overlooked. It just takes a little effort to help prevent house-hold cleaner poisonings. So make the effort, it will make you feel good about yourself and help to keep your family safe.
Just Remember Prevention :0)