Here is what you should do or should not do, while being in a social networking website like Facebook.
1) If you are worried more, then you should not post your own picture, Reasons-
1 one of my Facebook friends was verbally abused, but my that friend did a smart job by posting somebody else picture.
2 One girl posted in WWE comment page, somebody passsed a comment on her profile picture
3 IN WWE comment page only, somebody had a posted a comment with a shirtless profile picture, somebody in this case also passed a bad comment
2)Think twice while adding a friend, many abusers add us, and later on abuse us. Hence think again while adding some unknown person. One can check the profile of a person, before adding him/her.
3) One should block that person who abuses us, that too immediately. As it can turn into a very bad experience.
4)if u like privacy more than I do, then you can ban online comments on your timeline, this will give freedom to privacy seekers.
5)One can form groups with friends & talk with them with all the privacy one needs, forming secret group is one such idea. Only the group will be visible to group members only, even I have a secret group.
6)One should not post personal information like address & cellphone number.